chapter 43

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Ashton was still glaring at Michael. But Michael wasn't paying attention to the death glares.

"You gave her your sweater?" Ashton asked quietly.

"Yea. She looks good in my clothes" Michael smirked winking in Ashtons direction causing Ashton to tense up.

"Babe, its just a sweater don't get all worked up about it" the girl; Natalee had said resting her hand on her hip.

"Um Ashton, may we talk to you in the kitchen for a moment, alone?" Calum asked and Ashton nodded following the boys into the kitchen.

"Is that her?" Cal asked and Ashton nodded causing his bandana to fall down just a bit. He fixed it looking at the ground starting to feel a tad bit uncomfortable with this situation.

Michael stood off to the side. A bit angry at his bandmate. He had tried to help Ash with Cameron but Ash decides to throw it all away. To give up on Cameron. But thats his choice not Michael's, so Michael can't do anything about it. All he can do is make sure that Cameron is okay. And thats all he really cared about at this moment.

Cameron on the other hand isn't okay. She felt like someone had just stabbed her in the gut, or even possibly the heart. It didnt really matter all she knew is that she was hurt and she was becoming numb with the thought of Ashton with someone else. But then she feels guilty for thinking like that.

Tyler was in the back seat texting someone and Alex was making sure Cameron was alright while trying to drive.

"Stop worrying about me and drive" Cameron finally snapped and Alex glared.

"This is making you upset and im not okay with it! Your my best friend I hate seeing you upset!" Alex preached.

"Its fine. I knew nothing was gonna happen between me and Ashton anyway. We can just go back to our dorms and pretend like this never happened." And with that they dropped the subject and went home.


Michael's pov.

I pulled out my phone as it had vibrated in my back pocket. I smiled at the name that I was soon gonna be familiar with, popped up on my screen.

I unlocked my phone and bit my lip as I read the text

Tyler: is it weird that I miss you?

Me: no because I miss you too.

Clicking my phone off I smiled as I layed down thinking about the boy with the dark hair.

I may have just met the boy, but I feel like I have known him for years. And its scary, but I think I like it.

Notes to Ashton.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora