Chpt 12 New Smash

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I see that my son is staying with me because i think he doesn't want me to be  alone if he goes inside. That's soo sweet but he probably going to stay for a long time. I guess he got a new move nutcracker that's probably going to take me sometime for me not get defeated. Then i see my son getting too close to my face and the next thing i knew he kiss me on my cheekbone and he started smiling. I thought he was going to kiss me on the lips. That would be wired. I do want to kiss him back but i can't move maybe when i recover i will kiss him back.

YOUNG YAGI:I love you

Awwwww.......that is soo sweet. I will try to say it back but i will be stuttering. Well.... It's better than nothing.


And i see him having a bigger smile and it makes me soo happy. And he looks like me when i was a toddler i wonder how will look when he becomes a kid and a teenager he will probably will look like me and i don't know what he will look like when he becomes an adult. I don't want to think of that. I am going to miss him when he becomes older and no more being young i just feel like i am becoming old but Young Yagi did said i look young. Well... He is right. Well... Since he is now six years old and close becoming a teenager i will spent a lot of times with him also with the others especially Midnight she always asking me if she could hang out with my son or babysit him while i am gone and she has no hero work to do. She really likes my son and especially the way she acts it's like that's his mom. Last time when Midnight was spending soo much time with him he accidentally call her mom when she was sad that she give my son back because my hero stuff is done for the day.



I am finish with my hero stuff and now i am flying towards Midnight's house she has a mansion it is kind of similar to mine but more girly or fancy. So i arrive at the front of the gate and i went to the box that had a button on it and i press it then the speaker came on.

Speaker:who is it?


Then the gates open and all you could see was flowers on the side and big beautiful mansion.

Then the gates open and all you could see was flowers on the side and big beautiful mansion

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(A/N:the fountain in the middle is Midnight)

And then i went pass the fountain and headed towards the door and once i got there i ringed the door bell. Then After a minute Midnight's Butler open the Door.

MB (Midnight's Butler):oh hi All Might, here you can come in.

She opened the door wider and move out the way so i could go in.


I Went inside and then i see Midnight upstairs holding my son.

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