Chpt 44. Akita Hanataka

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Narrative POV

Strange activities that's been going on since Shinoshi turned ten years old. It all ended with him going to court for almost killing Yasha's family and it was all recored on the news. Everyone in Japan knows now. Outside of Japan? A few or a couple might know. Melissa and David shield saw it happening on the news and are very disappointed.

Everyone that knew Shinoshi knows what he did. What perked people interest when they flip the switches on the TV, computer or laptop was seeing the title "All Might's son accused in court." Just seeing the word All Might peeked a lot of people.

Even so, it played on the massive screen on the buildings, and TV's placed in stores. It was all over the news in public.

Afterwards everyone won't stop talking about it. They were shocked to see that All Might's son actually did that.

Izuku Midoriya doesn't fully know of what Shinoshi really is. All he knows that he's his favorite hero son. That's only part that he see in him. He did act like him. So he thought he will be all mighty and happy like his idols. It turns out this is his real self. He felt pity towards All Might when he heard him talking of how sad for his son. He understands fully of how hard it is to raise a child while being a pro hero. It was wrong for Shinoshi to do that.

And as you can see, Izuku Midoriya is obviously on All Might side.

Everyone is. Nobody is on Shinoshi side, except some people that he knows, and some that he doesn't know.

I think you can already guess who it is.

3rd POV

It is the night of the aftermath of the court. Shinoshi is in his room, standing in the middle with the lights off and the moon shining through his curtains, with every flash of lighting. In his right hand is a rope.

⚠️Trigger warning ⚠️

Suicidal, yelling, Cursing, and Abuse.

⚠️ Trigger warning ⚠️

Shinoshi:This is the only way......this is the only way to get out of this situation.

The boy tied the rope into a noot but failed to do it. So he looked it up on Google: "How do you make a noose?"

All google was given out mental healthcare. Need help? Call number? Suicidal hotline.  All that except helping him how to make one.

He hit the table out of frustration. Instead he tried to make it again with a lot of struggles.

After about fifteen minutes, he finally made one.

Shinoshi: Fifteen minutes of my life waisted making this....

The boy throw the rope over the section of his ceiling and tide the ends to it.

How he got up there?

He used a chair and his tail to bring him up higher.

He grabs the noose and put it over his head.

Shinoshi:Time to join the others... I'm coming to join you Mom.....

A tear went down his face. Seeing him about to end his life, just to avoid going into juvi and psycho wards for eight months. Also not wanting to face the public and Master, Shigaraki and Kurogiri.

He is giving up his life, career, his mother's path, villain, wrestling, most importantly leaving his loved ones left behind. All for this.

Then Shinoshi jumped out of the chair and went down with the noose tighting his neck very tight.

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