i hate people

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     I know I've been complaining a lot but I get worked up over stupid things. I have a thing where I know what is right and wrong and I think that other people should at least use common decency if not just good old common sense. For example my neighbors I hate my fucking neighbors. The family to my right has a dog and they bring the dog in and out but this poor dog hates being outside. I know this because apparently our walls are paper thin and from the moment they leave the dog outside he/she starts barking that dog barks all day and all night. It's irritating to me but it can't be a good thing for the dog it doesn't stop so I doubt it says and sleeps when it's outside. Except for the one time when it had been outside for days and I was out with my Cosmo because he's a little baby that is scared of his own shadow the dog next door was in his kennel after a big storm and during the storm he stood on top of his dog house but afterwards he was passed out in a puddle I thought he was dead. Apparently the older son is a great drummer and stays up late to practice.
     The house to my left has cars in and out all night they like to honk their horns. That drives me nuts. When I lived with my parents one of my brothers friends pulled up the drive and honked the horn. My dad knows how mad this makes me so with the biggest smile on his face cause he knew he was going to get a show tells me to see what they want. I open the front door and the guy sitting in the car asks for my brother, I asked if his legs were broke he says no why so I tell him he can get out and knock on the door instead of being a little bitch. I shut the door my dad is laughing so hard his face was purple laughed even harder when the guy softly knocks on the door and I open it and politely ask if I can help him. He asked for my brother again and just as nice as I can be I'm sorry he's not here he went to work. Needless to say I pissed him off he stomped back to his car slammed the door backed out the drive so fast he almost ended up in the ditch. Honestly in this day of cell phones there isn't any reason to honk the horn in someone's driveway. If you do don't do it after dark it's just rude. You don't know who goes to work early or goes to bed early so after dark sitting in your car honking the horn is wrong. These neighbors were also the people who decided to cut a tree down with the help of friends at six in the morning so it wasn't just the chainsaw it was them yelling back and forth to each other from the road.
    Children. OMG the children in this neighborhood. We are in the dead end cul de sak  part of the neighborhood. When I first moved in here I was thinking that there wouldn't be extra traffic driving through because there is no where to go I was wrong apparently it's fun to drive around the dead end circle. I've watched cars turn from one of the roads that lead into ours they turn and drive down to the end here to drive back and pass by the road the turned off of. Each house here basically except mine has kids and they all play together the older kids don't look like they are out of elementary school yet and the youngest runs around in diapers.I'm not gonna say the parents don't watch them but it feels like they dont. The kids like to play in the road on bicycles and scooters and play basketball and such. As I said we are at a dead end so it should be fairly safe but they leave toys everywhere in all the yards and in the road my boyfriend had to move bikes out of our driveway so he could pull in after getting home from work. One of these kids likes to scream at the top of her lungs when she gets upset , mine tried that growing up I stopped that with a quickness a slap across the mouth you wanna scream I'll give you something to scream about guess what they didn't continue screaming.
   I had my Cosmo on a chain outside and it reaches to where he can sit in the sun or come in the back door because sometimes he likes to lay in the sun or just sit on the mat at the door and look outside, but he can always see me,that day I had left my drink in the other room so I went to get it. I heard Cosmo barking and growling. I didn't think to much of it because Cosmo is the biggest scaredy cat and even though he's normally quiet I've this him bark and growl at a ball that one of the brats kicked into our backyard a beach ball. I wasn't in a hurry to get to him. I should have been. Cosmo is scared of strangers if he didn't meet you when he was a little baby puppy then he will be absolutely terrified. He will be a little calmer if I have him with me on his leash but he still will not let a stranger touch him. When I had got back to my pup he was barking,growling and shaking because two children I'm guessing they were about 2 and 4years old but they were in my backyard and trying to pet and play with Cosmo. I kinda yelled at them and when I got Cosmo calmed down I tried explaining to them that they really scared him which was really difficult because they have a dog and he's not scared so Cosmo isn't scared of them either.My kids were smart I don't know how to explain things to stupid kids so it ended up being that look y'all need to go home and you can't come over here anytime you want it I'll tell your mama how bad you are. That worked and they haven't come back. This had really scared me for a couple of reasons. These kids could not tell or did not know that a growling dog could hurt them. They had no problem coming in my yard and at one point I had to block the door to keep them out of the house because they saw the cat. I'm worried that something bad could happen to them what if a bad person lived here and it could happen because we rent and are currently looking to buy a house preferably away from people. I was also stressed out for days because what would have happened if Cosmo would have bit one of them. Cosmo is an American bully he's not a pit bull but police or animal control would not care. My dog could have been taken from me because people aren't watching or teaching their kids.
   After all of that I wanted you to see some of the things that bother me because for me it's basic common sense and decency, so that when I tell you this you could understand why I'm so bothered by it. Recently an actress and the mother of a 4 year old had went out on a boat with her child. The boat was found with the sleeping child but no sign of his mother he told them they were swimming. I don't know all the facts I know it's believed that she drowned after making sure her child was safe. She was an actress on the tv show Glee. Towards the end of the day the search and rescue team that was looking for her declared that they were no longer viewing the search as a rescue but a recovery. At this point nobody knew for sure if she was alive or dead. Many of the people that worked with her on the show took to Twitter Instagram and Facebook to display their grief over the death of this actress. I'm not saying they were wrong in doing so but they did so before they had found her and even knew she was dead. I personally don't understand posting messages to a lost loved one on social media because they are no longer using social media. I do know that everyone processes grief differently I mean I'm more than likely not gonna tell people that someone I know and loved has died unless you specifically ask me about them. These messages were posted by the cast yet not all of the cast posted something because they don't know what happened or if she's even dead. These are the people that went where she was to help her family, to pray, and to assist in the search. While people on the internet who doesn't know not a damn one of these people demanded that they post about her death.I am more bothered by the people that did the ones that wrote a long letter to her before they knew she was dead. I'm my mind these people are drawing attention to themselves using the circumstances as a spotlight. Of course I may be wrong and they could have meant every word. But for strangers to demand that someone post about the loss of a friend and loved one is beyond rude. They did post they posted that they were with the family searching for their friend and still holding onto hope that they find her alive and to basically leave them the hell alone because this is not about them.
     I'm conclusion I wrote all of this to complain about some inconsiderate asshats on the internet because they think that they have the right to demand that a stranger do what they want them to.The fact that people keep showing up and demanding for things for no other reason than the fact that they think they are entitled to it. I'd say life doesn't work like that, but I think it's starting to.

just me ranting Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon