immature writer's

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   I was going to read a story on here that sounded like it would be good. Seven chapters in and I deleted it from my library. I don't so because after realizing that there really wasn't the storyline I was there for and that seven chapters later it was basically a smut book. I'm not going to lie and say how I hate smut because I don't. When I want to read smut I look for it there are some really good smut books out there. Unless a book is written by one of my favorite writers whose books I read without seeing what there about, I read the description.
   This book that I'm bitching about was basically one of the my best friends brother books. The description was good so I thought I would be reading a decent book. As I said I don't have anything against smut in books.I do get irritated when the smut in books has nothing to do with the story. The only part of these seven chapters I read that wasn't smut was basically the first few paragraphs. Whatever as long as the story progresses to an actual story I'll keep reading to see where it goes.
   Tae thinks his best friend Jimin's brother Jungkook is hot. That's fair Jungkook is hot. In the book Jungkook is basically a man whore and is not into men at all, but he has a different girl in his bed almost everyday. This is important information at least to me. So knowing that as in most top Kook stories Tae is portrayed as this innocent teen who knows nothing about sex it is fair that in his point of view that his innocence shows in how he thinks.
     Hopefully knowing the basic story line you can see why I'm frustrated with this book. I personally don't want the books I read to progress rapidly. I get that many of the people who wrote and read taekook stories want them to be together as soon as possible. I want stories that have some sort of realness. For example the nerd and the bad boy concept: I don't want to read about how the new nerdy student with no friends on his first day of school runs into the borderline homophobic possibly a gang leader bad boy who humiliated him on his first day before first period but by lunch break they are leaving the school together to eat lunch or something. I want character development.
    Seven chapters in the innocent bean has been at his best friends house for a sleepover because he was scared to be home alone while his parents were out. He meets the brother who is older, not into guys and has a different girl almost every night. The meeting was basically Jimin introducing his best friend to his brother so that he knew there was an extra person in the house. Older brother says some homophobic crap and leaves. The two best friends do their best friend things. Our innocent Tae who at this point in his life has no idea of his sexuality but his best friend jimin saw that little spark of interest in his friend's eyes. Knowing how his brother is and not wanting to see his friend get hurt Jimin tells Tae about the type of person his brother is. They call asleep in the same room same bed because as we all know in almost every story Tae likes to cuddle.
     Innocent little Tae bless his heart is woken up by strange sounds and can't fall back asleep. He decides to get a drink from the kitchen. While passing Jungkooks room he looks in the open door to see the source of said strange sounds. He gasped or made some type of sound, Jungkook and girl of the night hear him and even though Tae ran away to the kitchen the pair finish and Jungkook kicks her out as any good fuckboy would do, how else would she know her place. Jungkook meets Tae in the kitchen and is rude to him because he interrupted his activities. Tae is already embarrassed and apologizes the door was open he didn't know what was happening. This had all happened in the first six chapters.
     The seventh chapter of at least the first two paragraphs because this was when I have up. Somehow Tae is in jungkooks bed now that happened who knows I'm pretty sure the author didn't. I'm the time span of less than 12 hours homophobic Jungkook is imagining himself and Tae together. That's some kind of miracle shit because ain't no homophobic straight man going to change  in less than a day. That wasn't what bothered me so badly that I stopped reading.
    As Jungkook was holding onto Tae who was asleep and apparently having a wet dream. Actions and moans were described while Jungkook's thing or thingy was getting hard blah blah blah. If you're going to write any type of sex scenes you need to be comfortable doing so. I may not know how guys think but I'm pretty sure that when you make your main character into a man whore  when he is thinking about getting hard he is not thinking about his thingy he is thinking about his dick or cock.
    So I figured that the writer of this story is probably a young inexperienced girl who is not comfortable enough with sex that she is able to write about it. I do know there are many great writers on here that aren't comfortable writing smut and that's fine. What bothers me the most about this story was that the writer is one of those people here that expect instant gratification which if that's the case it's her book she can do what she wants with it. Or she is wanting to get reads so badly that instead of writing what could have been a great book she is bypassing the story line and writing the crap that people here have made clear that's what they want.
    I'm sorry that I've been focused on complaining on this one book. I just needed to get that off my mind. I would never ever bring these things up to a writer because I think that it takes a lot of courage to put stories out here and I don't want to bring them down. I doubt that the writer will read this I know that many of y'all that read the crap I write here are some of my favorite writers and peoples whose books I read and love. For y'all I would send a private message because I'm comfortable with you. I wrote all this hoping that it might help other people one day to write the books they are capable of if they aren't trying to please others.

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