horrible person

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      I feel like a horrible person. Over something I shouldn't feel bad about well two things actually. The first is when a writer writes a make out scene and the couple almost dies. Yes I said what I said !! I recently just read a book and taekook kissed for so long that both almost passed out due to lack of oxygen. Which kinda pissed me off because I then remembered how in alot of stories here the couple has to pull apart because of the lack of oxygen. No other writer that I've read yet has almost killed the couple. This is why I feel like a horrible person every time I read they had to pull away from each other because they needed oxygen I want to comment YOU CAN BREATHE Through Your NOSE its easy!!!!!  I know its rude so I don't say it but the bitch in me kinda wonders how some people are still alive. I've wandered the same about my youngest daughter for a while now because I realized early that if I didn't keep an eye on her at all times natural selection would sure enough take her out.  We've replaced microwaves 3 times and still had to repeatedly stop her from putting forks and spoons in it. She caught a Styrofoam plate on fire setting it on the stove. Almost microwaved her phone to charge the battery. I gave up after I had to stop her from putting a fork in the electric outlet. I love her but she's dumb as hell.
        I feel like a horrible person as well when I start reading a book and don't like it because I know that people put in hard work to write and many of these people are writing in English when its not their first and at times even their second language. Let me tell you I have mad respect for those people. Languages are hard I know a few words from some languages but not enough to speak a sentence forget being able to write anything. I feel bad when I don't like the book enough to keep reading and just delete it from my library. Even in books that are badly written but the concept and story itself are interesting I will keep reading. I want to be a person that can encourage others to keep writing and learning so I feel bad when I drop a book like I let the writer down.

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