not a rant but a life update

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         I realize that I haven't wrote anything since before June. I haven't been overly interested in much since June. I started a job in May and I love it and am physically able to do it. But I know that I've often spoken about my dog Cosmo my constant companion by my side every minute of every day for 2 1/2 years. On June 1st I took him outside to do his thing while I smoked, when I finished my cigarette we were on our way back inside but a neighbors dog came into our yard and got my Cosmo excited to play and they were running around the yard. I went inside to put my things away and expected Cos to be ready to come in because I was out of his sight he wasn't so I thought he was still playing but when he didn't come back within 20 minutes I started to worry about him. I walked around the woods and back yard calling for him. I was starting to panic but I found him laying down. He wouldn't move wouldn't wake up I screamed so loudly all of the neighbors and my dad came running out of houses my baby puppy had a heat stroke and died.  I have never ever hated a dog never even disliked one but the dog that was running around I blamed her and somewhat still do. Even though I know it wasn't her fault but had she not have came into our yard I would still have my pup. My birthday is June 6th. So one of the worst birthdays ever but for as long as I can remember every year around my birthday someone I know dies.
     I'm doing better I have my grandbaby if it wasn't for him I don't know where I'd be. That day my daughter brought me the baby and took care of my pup. She got him cremated because no one could stand the thought of burying him. So I give you his very last picture of him looking after the baby his bestest buddy

 So I give you his very last picture of him looking after the baby his bestest buddy

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just me ranting Where stories live. Discover now