stray dog

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    When I woke up this morning and took my dog outside there was another dog running around I did not realize this at first. I take my dog out without a leash because I live in the country and I also know my neighbors and their pets. I also know that my pup will only go so far he makes his rounds because for whatever reason he thinks that he must go to certain houses and wag his tail in front of them to say good morning and greet the neighbors dogs. He wanders around while I smoke my cigarette and catch up on updates posted while I slept. We've done this everyday for two years without fail. He knows how long it takes and is back  soon as I put my cigarette out. That was not the case this morning because he made a new doggy friend. It was extremely difficult to get him inside but I managed.
  The new friend he brought home looks like she has been roaming for a while. She is also a very sweet dog. I'm not an expert or anything but I've been around dogs all my life and with the way both my male dogs acted I think she might be in heat. With all the attention I wasn't paying to my boy its probably a good thing that he doesn't know how to be a dog because he doesn't need puppies.
    I took a picture and I uploaded it to the local pets lost and found page. I also explained that she was thin I didn't know if it was because she was hungry or if its the way she was built but she didn't look unhealthy. I also said that you can tell that she's cold. I asked for help finding her owner.
  After taking my dog out on a leash all day and trying to shoo the other off I went back to check the comments to see if she was recognized. No one recognized her but everyone that saw the post kept telling me that I need to put food and water out as well as a blanket to keep her warm. Also debating between themselves on whether or not I should call animal control.
   Let me tell you that this pissed me off. I'm not a bad person I love animals except cats they kind of scare me I don't hate them I just don't go out of my way to be anywhere near them. I will not call animal control unless I absolutely have to because I feel like if no one is looking for her that's a death sentence for her. I also know if I feed her and make her comfortable she won't leave. I can't afford to feed my dog so I'm not going to start feeding another. There is fresh water outside and a couch on the porch also she has discovered how to get under the porch out of the cold where I'm pretty sure a couple of blankets are from where my mamas dog stayed when he was left outside. I'm irritated because every comment was basically the same everyone that saw was worried about the dog and I clearly stated that she can't stay here because I can't take care of her. Yet while all these people felt the need to ignore the fact that I can't none volunteered to keep her till her owners were found. If the dog continues staying around I'm sure we will not let her starve but I've done what I can and I shouldn't be made to take care of an extra animal.

just me ranting Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя