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     This is not a rant and I'm not trying to encourage any one to try this.

   I don't have much of a life outside of wattpad and YouTube my best friend(only friend) moved to another state or I would try talking her into doing this. I find myself really interested in the paranormal videos and things and that is how I heard of randonautica it's an app that I can only describe as really f***ing creepy. Loey Lane has a channel on YouTube and most of her videos are about fiction scary stories and some paranormal things. Her last video was about the app and I saw a video yesterday about the app on another channel. But the way I understand it is that it leads you to weird places based off of your intent if your intent is good things it will give the location of a good place like a meadow with flowers or something if you have bad or dark intent it will send you to a bad or dark place paranormal or something bad. I'm curious I want to see where it would send me but I kind of want to experience the bad or dark place. Then again it sent one group of friends to the location of a suitcase containing a dead body. I'm not wanting to receive that outcome. Ok that is my take on the app without any knowledge other than two YouTube videos that made it sound intriguing and I wrote about it here not to encourage any one to try it because it does sound dangerous but I want to know if anyone has tried it and what there story is.

just me ranting Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin