left hanging

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      You ever find that really good book that you loved and are sad that it ended and then you get that realization that the person that wrote this book might have others. You go to their profile and to your delight you see that they have written a few books so you read the descriptions to see if you would be interested in another one of their books. Once you've chosen and read the interesting sounding taekook or whatever your favorite ship is(mine is currently taekook) book you are now pretty certain that you have found a great writer. So you go back to their page and prepare to add and read all their books because the first ones you read were so good. Sadly they only had one or two that are finished and the rest are in numerous stages of being written so you have the new chapters to look forward to and hope they will update soon. You start reading these books that are in progress and before you realize it you have read every book from that account. Now you have to do that thing where you wait and hopefully you will do so patiently. While you wait you go over to that authors message board so that you can let them know how amazing their books are and you are really looking forward to the new chapters. You do it this way because you respect the writer and want them to know they are doing a great job and you don't want to be rude and demand updates. While you're on their page you scroll down their message board because it has been a little while since they've updated anything not long about a month and are looking to see if they've said when they might update or why they're not updating. You find that message only to realize that you might have waisted the day reading all those incomplete books and you no longer will be able to look forward to any new chapters.  The author that you have gotten so excited over no longer ships your ship they now feel wrong about writing it and are not going to complete their books.
      Why could they not take down the incomplete books? If there aren't any plans to complete these books why leave them up for unsuspecting readers that will blindly read these books hoping for a new chapter that will never come. Or instead of writing new books on the account finish those you started and then move on to that new ship you were thinking of writing about.
   I guess I can explain why I'm so bothered by this. I am old school and by that I mean I'm just old. During the weekend before school would start I would go to the library and get as many books as I could carry because I could read at least two a day maybe more. When I started working I stopped going to the library because I started to forget when I had to have the books back and would have to pay the fines. I started buying my books from the bookstore I loved that place but I spent alot of money on books. While I was jobless I had gotten my daughters kindle and was amazed that I could find books for free on Amazon they weren't the best books and I wouldn't be reading them if they weren't free. Somewhere along the way someone on Facebook recommended wattpadd. So I downloaded this app and it took a bit of time for me to figure out how to navigate through it. I found a book that sounded good I read it but it wasn't finished I repeated this process a few times. I had no idea what was going on at that point but I wasn't going to keep reading this shit if it wasn't finished I mean really I wasted my day trying to find a good book preferably one that had an actual ending. I honestly at the time was furious and to top it off I couldn't navigate through the app so I ended up deleting it. I focused on YouTube and that is where I got hooked on BTS my daughter had shown me some of their videos but I didn't have an open enough mind for them, she was watching Got7's reality show and would make me watch parts of it to and I said something smart mouthy so her solution was to show me their music videos. I liked their dancing so she showed me BTS  because I would  like them better. I liked both groups but I was fascinated with Bambam and Jackson and I was willing to bet that Becca bear was confused because there wasn't anyway that some of BTS were not girls they were so pretty guys can't be that pretty. I got yelled at. One day I was bored and asked her to tell me how to find the pretty boys on YouTube and from that day on I watched anything and everything I could find about them.
   During that time of obsession,I acknowledge it for what it was as/is, I found fan fiction videos I was strangely fascinated by them. I found one that was really good it had a couple of episodes I guess but the creator was no longer going to keep posting videos but had uploaded the story on wattpadd. I downloaded the app again and it was amazingly easy to find what I was looking for and I could easily navigate the app. I still don't know why it was so hard the first time. I also seemed to gain this huge amount of patience for waiting on updates. I would still rather have the completed books but I have come to realize that one of the only things that I look forward to are the updates on my favorite books.
    I guess that is why I'm so upset over reading books where the writer has no intention of completing them. I have very little to get excited over or to look forward to. So for me its a huge let down when I don't have that. Almost like that feeling you get when you've made plans with someone and you've looked forward to it everyday and with each new day a little happier. Until the day comes and then the person calls you to tell you that something came up and they can't make it.
    I know I'm throwing my own little pity party. I also know that in a way I'm being selfish. I would never demand that someone continue to do something they no longer want or are able to do anymore. Hell I wouldn't even ask them to. I know that for most writers here its a hobby and its not something they should feel obligated to do ever.

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