covers and titles

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when I'm reading a story I try to remember the title or at least the cover
  here on wattpad the covers change often and apparently so do the titles which would be ok if I knew what it was first. in the last two weeks I've gotten two update notifications on two seperate books that I had no idea i was reading when in fact after finding the descriptions were books that I really enjoy reading yet had no idea that the title had changed I find this very irritating  because sad but true you can't judge a book by its cover I do i have done so my whole life that is how i found some great authors and then I just read based on the author but here on wattpad yes I do immediately add books written by authors I recognize but there are also many authors here that I don't recognize by name bcuz they only update occasionally while changing cover and title of the book  I think they need to either keep the original title or change the title and adding formerly known as whatever the previous title was that way people like me know what I'm reading

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