so frustrated

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       I'm in an extra bitchy mood today!!!!and I've got two issues that are just rubbing me the wrong way.

I want to say that I don't have any problem with writers adding music or gifs or pictures to their stories. I really want to say that but right now I can't because I currently have a problem with all three two of them I have valid reasons and the third is because I'm extra bitchy today. The music is frustrating to me for a couple of reasons. I read on my tablet connected to my speaker playing my chosen playlist. Sometimes I stop playing my music but don't disconnect from the speaker or turn off the speaker. I'll be minding my own business kind of I guess if I've stopped my music its because its really hard to hear what is being said from the other room. Anyways minding my business (and my families business) quietly reading and petting my pup. Sometimes I'll be forced to switch books and will open the new book music will blast from my speaker out of nowhere. I'm a jumpy person its crazy some of the things that will make me jump. I've got examples if you need a good laugh. Music playing on my speaker out of nowhere scares the hell out of me every single time. Also it would be embarrassing if I would be in a public place that's quiet. There's numerous reasons why the music automatically playing out of the blue is a bad idea. There was a time when you had to tap and play the song at the top of the page but you couldn't read while it played because it wouldn't play in the background.
  Gifs most are harmless and cute, but every now and then you got that brave soul who will add that extra naughty GIF with absolutely no warning. If you've kept up with my whining here you will know that I'm not a fan of warnings, but if I'm sitting not alone I don't want the other person to glance over and see these things especially if its someone that will say something about it...same with some pictures.
   My complaint about the pictures is that instead of writing a description which to me is the whole purpose of writing and reading the ability to use your imagination and if the description is good everyone will imagine the same thing but if its great everyone will imagine the picture the writer wants but it will be a little different. I know what I'm trying to say I just don't know how to say things that make sense to other people. Instead of describing an object such as a car. You got the writer that is writing about the rich kids cars and will describe to you the sport car or expensive SUV and your imagination will take that description and will turn it into the car you would want or could see the character with. Then theirs the writer who doesn't describe the car but proceeds to show the picture the same with the clothes and so on. I read one book that there was only one car we needed to know about but they added pictures of cars for every person mentioned. Why???????I see writing as painting a picture but instead of mixing colors and hues you are mixing words and phrases. The reader is looking at your painting by reading the words and phrase while the picture forms in our minds. I don't need to see pictures of the rooms in the house or the outfit that they will wear each new day. I don't even need a description of the clothes or anything like that unless there is an important detail in it that will affect (?) the story. If you think its important that we know the character was wearing a skirt or jeans that is info that can be included simply with phrases that include dusting the dirt off his jeans or smoothing his skirt down after standing up.
      See the picture thing isn't that bad it doesn't hurt anything and most of the time I'm not bothered by them this much. Used to enhance the story they aren't bothersome at all. Using them to show every detail big or small or unnecessary is to much if you can't describe his simple outfit of blue jeans with both the knees ripped and a loose white button up shirt left unbuttoned over a black t-shirt and have to go searching through pictures of the person on stage or walking through the airport to find the outfit and then post the picture with the phrase pretend the mic or bag or hat or other person or whatever isn't there then maybe you should be writing a different type book.

   I apologize if you are a person that likes to over use the pictures and it feels like I insulted you as that wasn't my intention. There are pictures that compliment the story but I don't like it when pictures are used to tell the story.

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