tags and q&a chapters

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in most of the books I've read there have been tags and q&a chapters. I personally don't care for either one of these between author notes at the end of chapters and even updates just dedicated to author notes i can pretty much say i know more about you than I really care to because yes i do read these and sometimes even offer my opinions and advice, but i think that putting in tags thats to much i don't need to know any of the things listed and how does knowing the song you last listened to enhance your story it doesn't for me.
    as for the q&a chapters most of these are just stupid,a lot of the ones I've seen are answering questions about fav sex positions and asking to be adopted as well as telling one character not to hurt the other.
      of course that is not always the case every now and then you get an author that is very creative and able to make the q&a a part of the story while basically taking a break from the story because they have writers block or things going on in their lives where they are unable to upload actual chapters but want to give the readers something anyways.
     i may be one of the few who are just tired of seeing these because i see them in most stories now abd even see authors asking which of these they should do as a special chapter for getting so many reads or something. i was under the impression that getting tagged was like the wattpad form of a chain letter. if someone sends it to you i don't think you really have to answer it, i mean I've never died by throwing away or deleting a chain letter.

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