America today

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  I know that my thoughts will probably piss off many of you but as a human being I am entitled to my own opinions and I'm not trying to force these opinions on anyone.
  I hate watching the news. Before this corona virus pandemic there was never anything good on the news it was all just people harming people or animals or why poor people are suffering and the rich shouldn't be rich. Where I live the news started changing from the poor people to the minorities because apparently white people are not poor we are privileged and do not suffer. Then the pandemic but and for months that was all that the news spoke of. People claiming that it's not real and our government was behind the news of people dying so that they could have complete control over the American citizens. I'm sure that the other countries are lying about the virus as well just so America can take over it's people. I think the people who believe this are just looking for trouble. Yes sadly I do think that news stations report the news and twist it in a way that benefit it's own agenda.
  As I write this today I do so as protests and riots happen across the country. Yes police officers do need to be accountable for their own actions. Yes the agencies that do the hiring of police officers need to make sure that they not only text these officers physically but mentally as well. The police forces also need to recognize complaints. The officer that was holding down George Floyd had close to twenty complaints filed on him. There are complaints that happen that are not valid because there are people who if they don't get their way someone should be blamed. In the case of the number of complaints reaching the teens that is a big gigantic red flag. Had the department of human resources acted on the complaints a man wouldn't have lost his life. I do feel that all the policemen on the scene doing nothing should be held accountable as well as the people that are responsible for the actions that are or are not taken when complaints are fired. If they weren't able to investigate yet than by the number alone that officer should have a removed from duty until the complaints were investigated. Companies that don't have employees where their actions could cause someone their life have a stricter policy on complaints against employees.
  The riots and protests are to me right now pointless. I believe it was Friday night and my local news station was covering the protest going on our police officers were there in regular uniform standing behind a barrier listening to the crowd not reacting to the threats and objects being thrown at them except to step out of the way. Because what was happening was a peaceful protest the police chief was interviewed and said that as long as the protest remained peaceful and no laws broken than no action against the protesters would be taken. A hour or so later as the night went on police officers stood by and did nothing as the crowd busted windows out of the police cars and set the card on  fire the crowd needed to vent their frustrations against the police so they let them. The protesters turned into rioters and then began busting windows and stealing from the local businesses that was when the police started taking action here. The next day more protests a woman was interviewed and when asked what she thought about the rioters and looting of businesses she said that there was nothing wrong with what they are doing that the business owners deserved this. Because of people that are acting out and harming the businesses in these cities many of us will remember the black lives matter movement as violent and over the top and sadly not as a way to be heard but as a way to do damage in our community. Martin Luther King was a great man and is remembered and celebrated for his work with the civil rights movement he didn't encourage destruction of property and violence he used his voice and peaceful organized protests. The brother of George Floyd went to visit the location where his brother suffered from the heartless brutal unnecessary actions of a policeman, he broke down and had his moment of grief before getting up and addressing the crowd that was there a speech today that I would compare to MLK's speech. Why must a grieving family ask that their loved ones name not be used to justify the actions of people who are destroying property, using  violence and hurting others.
  No person of color should have to fear for their life or be taught from a young age how to act in the presence of police so that they won't get hurt. No police officer has the right to use deadly force against someone because of the color of their skin. In every aspect of our lives we all have people that their actions are how we judge others, police officers are all being judged by the actions of other police officers. Not all policemen are bad and obviously not all are good. And sadly racism exist through many occupations and it's not just whites that are racist. I feel like many of the black people I've known could be racist because of the way that I have been talked to or conversations that I've heard around me I was the only white person working at a good place and my name to the other employees was hey little white girl. I worked with the same people for years and was always hey little white girl. That was their way of saying even though we act like we get along we are not the same.

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