I'm dumb

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    Apparently I'm going crazy or maybe my mind has decided that its gonna take a break and when I hear something its going to not compute so I hear something completely different. And embarrass myself completely its a good thing that it was just my parents here cause they're used to me doing stupid things. I did scare the hell out of myself though. And since I'm pretty positive I don't know any of y'all in real life I am going to tell what happened because I'm still a little freaked out.
    Ok I am currently staying at my parents house for an overly long visit. I think that my boyfriend tricks me because I live with him and from January to September I did not leave the house at all. My oldest daughter came and picked me up with my trusty crazy pupper to spend the weekend with my youngest daughter to attend her baby shower. She was going to bring me back the day after the shower so I was only here for three days. When we were ready to go home and had everything in the car to leave I got a phone call asking me to stay at my moms because there was a problem with the rent because they found out about my dog. Then there was other financial problems and so on it took a month to sort everything out. I'm still here because I'm being petty about things and he won't pay the internet bill.
    Anyways earlier my parents were sitting in the living room watching tv. I'm sitting in my room with the dog in my lap playing candy crush and doing that thing of minding my own business which happens rarely. I'm sitting in a recliner with my feet up next to the chair is an heating and air vent. My dad has had bad heart problems throughout the last ten years things have happened to where he has had to be rushed to the hospital. My room is in the back of the house and my parents room is across from mine, they have a bathroom in their room that they use. I am partially deaf in my left ear and the tv is on in their bedroom I can hear it as well as the living room tv being really loud I can hear everything happening from it. So its not like I'm sitting alone in my room in silence I've got the door open so I can hear everything happening around me. All of that is important information.
   So I'm back here minding my business not really listening to what is happening around me. I start to hear somebody yelling for help I couldn't pinpoint what I was hearing and was thinking maybe the neighbors are outside. I keep playing my game but I'm still hearing this person and then I start thinking maybe its coming from in the house but I don't know what it could be so I start getting a little anxious and I cut the tablet off so I can hear better. It was a hoarse voice yelling help and hurry and then I heard the phrase help Joyce help. Joyce is my moms name. I put the foot rest down and jumped out of the chair dropping the poor pup on the floor who was peacefully sleeping. I run out of my room yelling for my mom and when I get into the living room there is my dad sitting there watching tv. I was pretty sure it was him I heard yelling from their bathroom. My mom who I've freaked out because she has no idea why I'm panicking and yelling where are you at. Or even who I was trying to find. She looks at me and asked me who I'm talking to. I calmly reply to her the voices in my head and they lied apparently.
   I then just go outside to smoke my last cigarette on the front porch and that is where I figured out what happened. The vent next to the chair carries voices from the tv. I used to hear people talking outside my window so I would listen really hard to hear about history. I would only ever hear it in the middle of the night it would wake me up and it took a month before I figured out it was the narrator from the history channel. So I decided that the yelling I heard was carried through the vent but I'm extremely confused about why I heard my dads voice and my moms name.

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