Our Authors

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         Alright people can you believe that someone requested this rant. I'd like to say that I'm touched there is at least one person who thinks that my words could make even the smallest of difference. I do hope that when I do chapters on topics like this that the people who come across this book do take it to heart and will hopefully in the future change their actions accordingly.


     Our authors need to be appreciated they need to feel appreciated. When an author has taken the time to write us these stories they do so for the love of writing. There are many authors that I read on here that could and should be out there writing books that are published and getting paid to do so, but they choose to come into what I feel is a toxic environment to share the stories that they are writing. They don't ask anything out of us at least that I'm aware of unlike the content creators on YouTube who get money from adds but they also have accounts set up so that their viewers could donate money on top of the money they earn. Don't get me wrong I'm not complaining about that if I had money which sadly I don't but if I did and the authors that I love opened up one of these accounts so that they could earn money by writing these stories for us I would gladly donate.
       This is a no brainer its even FREE and guess what believe it or not what I am fixing to reveal to you will make two people happy at the same time. I know mind blown right? Here's what needs to happen before our favorite authors start holding our favorite books hostage.
          You know how many people comment on the chapters and message boards of authors telling them to update?? Its alot apparently many readers feel like its okay to make demands. I saw a message asking for daily updates. I honestly would love daily updates from every book I read but realistically I know its not possible. Why wouldn't it be possible for an author to update daily?? For starters they have life's outside of Wattpad. Can you believe that they have school and homework and chores. Lets not forget the many writers that get grounded for whatever their parental units ground them for taking away the device that I imagine is glued to their hands that they use to write their stories. That is why the younger authors can't update daily. I'm honestly amazed by their talent. Then you got the older writers that are juggling school, homework, studying, jobs,friends, family and dating.And then you have the authors who are married and or raising children while also doing school or work and trying to maintain a personal life as well.
      Then you have the readers that are judgemental and critical of what and how the authors write. For example ( it's possible I used this in another chapter but its a good one)  there is a young writer on here that wants to make everyone happy. She started a fanfic that would have been a taekook book but before Jungkook met Taehyung, Jungkook was dating Jimin. Its unbelievable how rude many people were to this writer because they didn't like the Jikook in the beginning of a taekook book. This upset her so badly that she stopped writing the book I was able to talk to her and was reading her message board witch really bothered me because I felt like she was looking for validation more so than anyone should. Honestly I know that its not my place to lecture or even nag others as I tend to do on here. I'm sorry its the mom in me that shit don't ever go away but I would want someone to be like me for my girls when I can't be. I'm pretty sure that most parents aren't aware of many of the things that their kids are going through so I want to be here for them. Anyways I had been able to talk her into not giving up on her book and I was really looking forward to seeing where she took the story. She wrote and posted the next chapter, but again received more hate and decided that she wasn't going to write new chapters and maybe if she felt like it she would come back to continue it thankfully she didn't give up on this app completely and is currently working on another book. I didn't try to talk her into completing the book again because I know that a person can really only take so much. I don't think people realize exactly how they are affecting others and that what they are doing is cyber bullying its that simple. If you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all.
      Lastly this is really important and I will admit I'm guilty of doing this. I said that our authors here don't get paid and they don't ask for money but they do ask for a different type of currency. They ask for respect and appreciation. The author I spoke to said that she enjoyed writing more when she felt appreciated  and that she wrote more when she got positive feedback from her readers. There was a time where she could check her message board and most of the comments would be supportive of her work. Currently that is not the case most of the messages were demands for updates. I'm pretty sure the majority of the comments on the last chapter I read in her book was also demanding updates. She ended the chapter on one of those OMG what is happening I need to know now I don't want to wait moments. I don't think I left a comment because I really wanted to ask her not to keep us waiting long for the next chapter. I will not ever ask an author to update because you never know what is going on in their lives. I'm pretty sure I hit that vote button but I realize that  isn't enough.
       The secret to making two people happy is really simple instead of being judgey and criticizing and demanding updates use the time and energy it would have taken you to do any of those and thank the author or letting them know that you enjoyed the chapter. When you do this two things happen not only do you feel better about yourself but also the author feels appreciated and will be encouraged to write more. Think about it this way real life example. Currently I'm staying at my parents house and I'm trying to do what I can to help out. I woke up Sunday morning with a plan to clean while my parents were at church. While they were getting ready I was planning everything I would do. As they were leaving my dad tells me to get off my ass and listed a bunch of things I needed to do. I was no longer looking forward to the deep cleaning that I wanted to do. I vacuumed the carpet washed the few dishes and took out the trash. I didn't like that he was rude he didn't even say goodbye or anything other then the demand to clean. That night my mother apologized to me and I told her that the only reason I was bothered by it so much was because I had already planned to do all that and more but I didn't do anything I planned because I didn't want him to think I done it because he told me to.
        The whole point of this chapter is to remind you that even though we can't see them and don't know who they are behind the screens every author on here has feelings. Every author needs to feel appreciated. When you like a book vote and tell that author thank you let  them know you appreciate what they do. I'm bad about just voting because I never really know what to say and I myself will try to be better at leaving a positive message. I will comment or write messages occasionally and as I was writing this those messages do mean something to people. Can we all please be better about supporting and encouraging the people that take time away from their days to give us great books!
Visit their message boards and tell them you're enjoying their book. Comments in their books are appreciated but leaving a message telling them that they are doing good where others can see it is even better.

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