Thank you

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    When I started writing this rant book I never expected anyone to read it. I done so for myself because I need to get things off my mind and what better way to do that than to write it down. Its really nice seeing people reading and commenting about what I've said. Alot of times when I talk at home it gets the response of I'm not listening to you and I don't care, you're wasting your time telling me this.  It's sad but I really only have one friend that has stood by me and I don't get to talk to her very often but its nice knowing she's there.
      I'm honestly amazed at the comments and votes I've received since yesterday especially since I know that my opinions on almost everything is different from many others. If you've commented and I haven't answered its because I don't know what to say.
      I know that this recent interest in this diary of complaints is due to rictae_1
linking the last chapter and even kind of promoting this book on her page.
I'm not trying to get any reads or votes or even comments but I am hoping that I am getting my message across on how we treat each other on here. We need to make sure that we are thanking and encouraging the writers that share their talent with us. We need to always be considerate of the feelings of others and think about what we say because we never know what is happening to a person outside of what they are portraying here.
      Honestly speaking if you need someone to talk to or are trying to get advice on things or you just need someone that you can yell and fuss at my inbox is always open and I will never judge you for anything. Like I said if you just feel the need to be mean or fuss at someone my inbox is still open for you I've raised two girls and I've helped raise three boys so I'm pretty sure I can handle anything you throw at me.

just me ranting Where stories live. Discover now