My dog is an asshole

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don't get me wrong I love my dog more than my actual kids but he is a little maybe a lot strange. My youngest daughter had gotten into showing and breeding American Bullies and for Christmas 3 or 4years ago she brought home a beautiful tri color bully puppy as a gift for papa her grandfather.I'm positive that was a trick for her to be able to have this dog as he grew up she showed him and bred him and everybody loves him he's a one of a kind dog with a great personality his name is Conan. We all chipped in to take care of him and love him and I kept thinking to myself that if I was to ever get another dog of my own I wanted one that had its own personality like Conan. I  was also pretty sure that I didn't need a dog because I don't have a job or the means to take care of one plus I was still living with my parents who didn't want any more animals Conan and our chocolate lab were 2 to many.
     In November almost two years ago after Jungkook done his performance with Charlie Puth my daughter Rachel brings home her two month old pick of the litter puppy sired by Conan she walks into my room and hands me this precious little baby puppy and informs me she has plans with her boyfriend and tells me that I will be taking care of him while she was gone and while she was at school until she could sell him.My instant response was no hell no she didn't care and left me with the puppy in a crate. I let the puppy whine and cry because I wasn't gonna get attached for him to be given to someone else. In that 15 minutes of ignoring the baby I learned he liked listening to Jungkook song but RM freaked him out he still sometimes growls when RM is heard on some of their songs. I ended up giving in and loving the puppy I ended up carrying him everywhere I went and if I left him in my room alone to do the dishes or go outside to smoke my other daughter would pick him up and hunt me down cause my dog was crying. At some point I knew I was spoiling him but it didn't matter because he was going to be sold to someone else. The puppy was never sold because he loves me so much that he freaks out when I'm not around. Plus he won't let people get near him except me,my youngest and her boyfriend,my oldest and her fiancee, my parents and my boyfriend that I live with now even though he still makes it difficult for him to let him.My mother's neighbor was outside talking to me while our dogs was playing together and every now and then she would try to let Cosmo and he would just be to scared to get close enough to touch. Now keep in mind this dog has been by my side since he was 2 months old and has never been in a room I wasn't in,the neighbor tells me that he acts like he has been abused and I can see why she said it so I start thinking about who has abused the puppy agreeing with her the whole time. That's when it hit me I've had him always with me since he was an itty bitty baby he was never abused he's just weird.
   Now onto why I'm calling my dog an asshole he does this thing where if he doesn't get his way he pees on the floor if he gets mad at my boyfriend he drops his pillow in it. Last week I wouldn't let him back into the house until he went potty and he wanted in so I was standing outside with him and he stood next to me looked up at me and lifted his leg to pee on me I moved out the way. Today this same dog chased a lizard to me and looked at me like I was crazy because his new friend ran across my foot and was trying to go up my leg and yes I freaked out a little or a whole lot depends on your perspective.

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