my grandbaby and my pup

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   I don't know if I said it before in here or not but my daughter was pregnant and it was a difficult pregnancy. After alot of scares she was finally able to have the baby through c section. And now we have a little baby boy. He's about a week old now.
   I know I've mentioned my dog before even dedicated a whole chapter to him. My dog has his own unique personality and that is why I love his crazy self so much. The closer it came to when the baby was due I kept telling my dog about the baby getting him all excited for it. He didn't get to meet the baby when they first got out of the hospital because he gets overly excited and I didn't want him to be able to jump on my daughter because of the c section.
    This might be a very important detail that in my excitement of seeing my grandbaby I overlooked. Whenever I would bring Cosmo a new toy the animal looking ones or the teddy bears I always called them his baby. When I want him to get his toy I ask him where's his baby. I probably should have thought about that when I asked him today if he wanted to see the baby.
    The baby was laying on his daddy's lap and Cosmo very gently checked the baby out. I was shocked and proud that he didn't try to jump on him. Someone, don't remember who but probably me cause I treat the pup like a toddler cause he acts like one, said Cosmo you see the baby you like the baby? The baby at that moment made a little bitty baby noise/squeak and stretched his leg out. Cosmo tried to grab his leg. He freaked out and ran away when my mom and daughter started to scream at him scaring him. It looked like he was being very gentle to me but everyone else is convinced he tried to bite the baby. I think be thought he was getting a new toy.  It was cute in my opinion. I would never let him near the baby if I thought he would hurt it I'm pretty sure he had no idea what he was seeing.

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