i just fixed the worst commentary I've ever done

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   How y'all doing today?  I just finished reading the worst book and I almost messaged the writer to tell her how she messed it up. I realized that it would have been hurtful and that I did respect her for writing it plus she was only 13 years old when writing the book.
   For some reason I enjoy reading Instagram,Twitter and Snapchat stories alot and I had just finished rereading a short story by ThaFantasticFoursome it was The Sun Illuminating My Dark Side if you haven't read her(?) books you're obviously living under a rock. Anyways I digress, after finishing the book another book was recommended as wattpadd does and typically the recommended books tend to be a similar type of book so even though it was a Snapchat book and the description was only basically the first 2 sentences in a Snapchat conversation so I decided to read it because I was thinking it would be somewhat similar. Boy oh boy was I wrong!!!  

I would like to apologize to the person that read the first time I published this. After righting the chapter I realized that I didn't want to be this person that would criticize someone's book in the way I did. It wasn't constructive criticism and it wasn't polite. Since this was something that I would never ever want the author to read I took it down and changed it to something simpler and hopefully a lesson of sorts for beginning writers.

  The main reason that the book I read was the worst book to me was because there were many different plot lines and absolutely nothing that tied any of it together. The writer started with a really cute idea but really failed in creating a believable story.  I would guess that maybe the author felt that she didn't have enough drama so she plucked ideas from the books that she had read with each new chapter. I was bothered by the fact that by the second chapter it was clear that she had failed to stick to her concept. I could also believe that each chapter of the book was written by a different person the only information given to them being the characters name and the last sentence of the previous chapter. After I realized I didn't like the story I did continue reading it till the end. I just wanted to see what else was going to happen, because it seemed like the couple had both individually experienced everything a person could from great parents to abusive parents as well as both of them being kidnapped by different people. I could see where the writer was wanting to add excitement to her story but in doing so it seems she forgot the story and continued adding the excitement she wanted for the story until it wasn't even the same story.

I feel like this is so much better than what I had originally wrote. I also still feel wrong for writing this and I may take it down completely or if any person that reads this thinks I have crossed a line I will remove it immediately only because I myself am on the fence about it.

just me ranting Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ