Chapter 32

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Whatever happened in the van still has an effect on me, I couldn't think about anything else plus I could feel my nub pulsating now and then based on scenes I was recalling . I somehow managed to walk around as we all gathered around Orcus's mom and watched the whole family play in the sea. There were two teams one of the brothers and another of father and daughters. Everyone cheered for their masters as the game started and Mrs. Morningstar cheered for her husband.
What could go wrong in a splash fight I mean nothing that I can think of it's just water being splashed on each other. Shelby shouted that she was going to start as she sped through the water and she striked the first blow towards Ditis, a wave appeared which Ditis dogded, then Orcus and him together attacked creating a bigger wave than before. It was quite amusing to watch dad defeating his sons just by slapping the water like it was nothing.

After half an hour of watching ginormous waves and speeding vampires through the water everybody got bored because there wasn't any winner. So we started playing dodge ball and our first half was won by Joel's team. It was so much more fun than I expected after winning the match we treated ourselves with some ice-cream and went for a swim. I untied my scarf so I could go in the water but I was afraid if someone really spotted the hickey, but god blessed me with immense luck that Orcus was present at the very moment and he picked me up bridal style zapping straight into the water.
" thanks" I said with my arms wrapped around his neck as I placed a kiss on his luscious lips.
" mmmm you taste salty" Orcus said clicking his tongue and we both started laughing.
" I love you" I said shyly.
"wait, what did you say"  Orcus looked at me in awe.
" wait did I say that out loud" I said hiding my face in my palms and shook my head in embarrassment.

Orcus held both of my wrist and pulled them away from my face, I placed my head on his chest to hide my face because I just crossed the limit of being embarrassed. I frinkin said it out loud and now he will bug me to say it again and again.
" come on Zee tell me" he whispered close to my ear kissing my cheek making the temperature of my body rise even in the cold water. I couldn't escape, I couldn't utter a word and I couldn't stop this feeling rising in my belly like butterflies wrestling to get out.
" hey you guys don't want to eat or what" Billy shouted with a plate in her hand and waved looking at us, Oh! Billy you are my saviour.
" yeah we are coming."  Orcus replied and looked at me " will talk about it tonight" he said before zapping us back to the shore. I tried not to think about what just happened and decided to eat and have fun with others after all we came here to enjoy. Me and Jace served food to everyone so that our shift would be over first. After eating we relaxed under the sun and waited for the other to finish there work so we can play catch.

It was about time we leave the beach and head home, everybody looked tired and sleepy I mean the pets because we were all playing like kids for the whole day and now we are dead weary. When we reached back home everybody dragged there asses to their respective rooms to just sleep and leave the work for tomorrow.

Hello guys, u know it's not even a chapter and I am really sorry about it. I won't be updating until 15 September due to exams and stuff.. Please bear with me.... See ya guys.
Stay safe.

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