Chapter 12

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After being ambushed by the vampires I was brought to a pet shop, the keeper of the pet shop was a grumpy fat man who'd beat us and said this is how you will learn to respect your masters, he would laugh while we were tied to the bars that he attached for this very purpose.

After 4 days a vampire brought me, he took me to his house and chained to his bed. Whenever he was angry he used a cane and beat me until I would pass out. He was ruthless.
One day he started drinking alcohol in the morning I started getting a bad vibe that something bad is going to happen. That day he drank from me, he usually did that and I would scream because of the pain, but today he bit me with so much force I felt like a part of flesh will tear out and my neck would snap. I was screaming due to the pain but he didn't stop. After he was done a hard slap hit my face and the inside of my cheek started bleeding. He said I am  an ingrate and I don't  fucking respect him. He then stood up and took of his belt and started hitting me with it. I was half dead lying on the floor. He didn't even bother to let me have a bath all the blood was sticking to me and it was gross I was smelling like something is rotting up. The torture continued to next day and he dropped the key to chain and I found a way to escape. I waited for him to pass out because of alcohol he kept drinking and I sneaked out somehow. I went straight to the woods and stayed there for a couple of days. After that a vampire found me and took me to the pet shop, traded me for money.

End of flashback.

I started crying because this feels good, it's like a load lifting off my chest. And cried my heart out.


I held Zee close to me and she was crying. I never thought something like this would have happened, I thought she is just scared of the dark
Or something. She didn't deserve any of those things that have happened to her. I don't know what to say to her I am out of words. I can't even console her what should i say it's in the past. That's fucking lame.
" Hey shhh calm down cupcake, you are safe now. No one will ever lay a finger on you ever again." she cried until she started having hiccups.
"now I am feeling good thank you Ditis for listening and being here with me." she was smiling with red glassy eyes. "you need a doctor, after all this you smile like a lunatic, damn you girl"  she giggled. It was two in the morning and she agreed to go back to sleep. I would have kept her with me for forever but she couldn't have handled the mature actions taking place in her presence. " goodnight cupcake".
"Goodnight Ditis and thanks for today" and she drifted off to sleep. I fell asleep listening to music after that.


I was at the given place by 12. The meeting was in a abandoned workhouse. Typical people this is the last place you should be choosing to die. But good for I don't have to do clean up. 😎

I sneaked in there weren't any guards on the doors and suddenly people started coming in. There was a table set already, people gathered and introduced themselves to each other. I scanned the crowd and check listed that everyone is present here. You know easy work i don't really like to waste time running after them one by one and kill. 30 minutes later the guy entered whom I was waiting for okay we can start the show now. There were a total of 9 people and 6 bodyguard. I pulled out my gun and attached a silencer to it. I really didn't want to make an entry plus i have to keep my rat alive. 

I aimed at the head of the man standing to the front and shot him down at once (perkas of being
In practice for centuries.). He fell on the ground with a thud and everybody started looking around.  I came into veiw and the guards aimed there guns at me. I started hitting them one by one. I don't miss a shot easily. And while killing vampires (some people in my kind are shitty) I use silver bullets one shot to the brain and you are gone for good baby.

All of them were down and two which I needed i shot them in the legs so they can't run. I tied them to the chair and I video called a guy who was going to identify him and I can take out the needed information. He said yes and now this guy is in deep shit. I asked him about the plan they were trying pull against the majesty and who else was involved in it and he was stubborn to speak.
" my man don't fuck around with me,I'll fucking kill you right here and I can find the fucking information by myself. Or I can keep you alive and torture you until I make you beg for death" I said in a hard tone and took out my silver knife and started slicing his finger off slowly and roughly. He screamed in pain but didn't speak.

This is annoying me now. I then moved to his nect finger and sliced the skin oh this is more like it. He was screaming and begging me to stop. I sliced until I could see bone properly and then I took all the skin and muscle off the bone on his finger.
"okay will you like to speak or I should try something else maybe cutting off dick might work. Hmmm that's right let's do it" I chuckled at him and made a deep cut into wrist to make him bleed better. "stop please, please I'll tell you whatever you want just don't kill me please". I Iike when they beg. He told me the names whom he knew and told about the plan they were going to use. I came to know he didn't have that much information he was just a pawn. I came to know there was something about to happen because of which the royals will be compromised.
"okay thanks for telling me do you have anything left" I asked reloading my gun.
"no I told you everything. Please don't kill me I gave you what you asked for, you said you.." bang straight in the head. And I never said I'll let you live. Moved to the other corner where my mouse was tied up on the chair unconscious. I shot beside his head without the silencer and he was up screaming that was great. I love the expression, he didn't have any idea what was happening. He was begging for his life and said he just came here to join he didn't know anything about what it was all about. I aimed at him and suddenly everything went silent.

I took off the mask and his looked at me eyes wide.
" remember me"  let's play riddles I have all the time in the world because I have waited long enough to kill you, I wanna kill you slowly and painfully. "NO man I don't know you let me go if you are doing this for money I can give you just let me go." I stabbed him in the wrist. No I don't have a fetish for wrists it's just for pain and keeping them alive. He was screaming in agony and it gave me pleasure after all these years revenge is so sweet.
" okay you don't know my intentions.  I'll tell you my name that might give you a hint" I walked around him. I stopped and bent down to give him an eye to eye look and he was drippy because of the blood loss. "it's Morningstar, do you recall anything."
His expressions changed he was scared and confused. He look at me with wide eyes like he saw a ghost. Oh i am worst nightmare and I'll fucking kill you today. "Orcus". A devilishly grinned at him. I didn't gave him time to react and I shot him in the knee and he shrieked.

I aimed for his head, suddenly I heard footsteps and people appeared and started shoo in my direction. A bullet hit my arm making me stumble before I could register what's happening another bullet hit my left thigh . I was gonna shoot him until more people came in and I had to move they were too many with guns.

I zapped out of there holding my shoulder and went straight to my car. I watched them taking the guy with them and my anger started boiling.
I headed straight to the house.
I got out of the car and went to the garage threw all the weapons on the counter and took of the jacket and threw it in the basket. I wrapped a clothes around my arm and wore a hoodie.

I went straight to Ditis's room. I knocked at his door and no one answered. I knocked again and a boy stood opened the door wiping his eyes. He looked at me and stood straight and head down.
"Good morning sir" he greeted.
"where's my pet?" I said harshly.
"sir don't worry i'll wake her up now and escort her to your room." he was annoying me. I pushed him away and stepped in the room.
I saw her all wrapped in Ditis's arms. They both were sound asleep. I was boiling I inhaled deeply and walked out of the room slamming the door shut and went straight into my room.


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