Chapter 29

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I was running with all the strength I had left in my body as I saw the opportunity of my escape from the mutiny I was going through, my breath hitched and my feet bleed but I didn't stop and ran towards the source of light under the pouring sky with my blurred vision . The only hope I had left was to see the sunrise ones more and live again, but suddenly I fell and immense pain showered on my body like millions of needles pierced into my skin and I screamed from the top of my lungs, when I looked down I saw my leg was in a bear trap. My ankle was broken and blood pooled around it.

I lifted my head up as the step sounds increased towards me and there he was standing infront me laughing like a mad man on my condition, he bent down to my level and lifted my head up by tugging onto my hair harshly making me wince in pain as I a...

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I lifted my head up as the step sounds increased towards me and there he was standing infront me laughing like a mad man on my condition, he bent down to my level and lifted my head up by tugging onto my hair harshly making me wince in pain as I actually felt my scalp bleeding. My eyes were wide open and they locked with his blue orbs making me realise that he was no one else but Orcus.

He laughed at me and made me sit up, I was in shock of what's going on that's when he walked around me in circles and stood infront of trap in which my leg was stuck. I was shivering due to the rain and fear that filled the air around me, the atmosphere was so dense that I barely breathed all I wanted was to cry and forget that this ever happened.
" you have broken rules puppy...... You by running away... So, it's time for punishment". He said in a malicious tone stepping onto the trap and pressing the spokes deeper into my skin until I heard my bone snap. Puppy he called me, how could he?

I screeched falling back on the ground and begged him to stop, I cried and screamed but all he did was to look at me in awe.

Then he knelt down to my level lifting me by the neck he pierced his fangs into my flesh

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Then he knelt down to my level lifting me by the neck he pierced his fangs into my flesh. It felt like my neck would snap any minute and those fangs imitated sone sort of burning sensation that showered over me as he sucked harder onto my life source.

All I could do was to scream and scream until darkness started to surround me and finally I felt numb.


"Hey baby get up, it's a nightmare. Zee it's just a bad dream wake up" I heard faint sounds.

I opened my eyes and the first thing I see is Orcus trying to calm me down, I cowered away from him and bawled in the corner of the bed. Orcus tried to reach for me and jumped away from him falling off the bed I crawled away and stood up.
"Zee what's wrong, come here baby I won't hurt you" Orcus walked towards me and I shouted at him.
"stay away from me." I shouted grabbing my collar I ran out of the room. I ran downstairs and I saw Ditis looking at me in shock, I took another step and tripped from the flight of stairs. Thanks to God Ditis caught me on time or I would have smashed my face like a ripen squash, I hugged him and started crying.

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