Chapter 14

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I heard something loud and woke up panting. I was so startled by the sound that my plams went sweaty.
"what the fuck was that" Ditis asked in a hoarse voice. I was catching my breath. Jace came and sat down infront of me.
He was looking scared."Zalyee your master came to take he. He saw you sleeping with Ditis. He was very angry I think you should go to him before he takes a bad step."
He was concerned. "are you out of your mind Jace he will kill her if she stepped in there right now" Joel spoke for the first time and he taking a stand for me, I am in heaven did I die last night.
"no I think I should go and see him. I'll have to face him afterall." everyone's face dropped. 

" okay I'll come with you" Ditis said.
I said it was okay but he said he will go with me or no one will leave the room.
We went upstairs and stood in front of the door of Orcus's room. I knocked and no one answered.
I took out the key from my pocket and opened the door. Me and Ditis were looking at each other and he kept his index finger on his lips indicating me to be extremely quiet.

I peeked inside and I saw Orcus sitting down on the floor with the support of the bed and there was blood on his shirt. I didn't think anything and instantly ran to him, Ditis tried to hold me but I was already inside. I sat down holding his hand, he was wounded. I was gonna cry or passout anytime soon.
"Ditis call a doctor or an ambulance, hurry please" I was shouting for no reason. I guess it's just instinct. Ditis nodded and zapped out of the room.
"I don't need your fucking help"  he growled at me. He pushed me away. "oh you stubborn monkey sit down or I'll fucking kill you right now."
I said and he looked at me like I have take out all his organs.
"how dare you speak like that to me" he was angry. I held his arm and looked at it, there was no bullet just an open wound. I looked at his thigh I saw blood on his  shorts. I pushed the cloth up and he held my hand. " don't touch me , get out of here" he was fucking pissed now .

"I swear to god Orcus don't throw a tantrum right now." I gritted my teeth and slid his shorts up and looked at his thigh. There was a wound there too and it was shining. There was a bullet I guess it was perfectly visible. I need to distract him or he will kill me.
"why didn't you take this one out" I asked him.
" I couldn't find it, it was....( Scream) " ouch my poor ears.
" shut up its out, don't worry, you are okay ." he was shocked.
"what the fuck how did you?.... With your fucking fingers.... Fuck you" 

He threw his head back."I hate you, I fucking hate you so much. Oh I wanna kill you right now. First you sleep with my brother then you pull a bullet with your fucking hand you fucking nut. That's not it you talk back you are a bigger monster than me." I ran to the bathroom and bought a sanitizer and some handkerchiefs. I cleaned his wounds with all those tantrums and growling, screaming and cursing.
" okay, okay I get it I am bad, I am the devil here okay now shut up ". I said that to make him stop rambling.
" yes you are, oh you are bad, bad bitch no no you are a cat you. You are a cat bitch, you cabitch" I think he have a bullet in his head.
"fucking shut up" I folded my sleeve and took my wrist close to his lips.
"Orcus you need to drink" he looked at me. I don't know where Ditis is. When will the doctor come.
I looked at Orcus and placed my wrist over his lips and closed my eyes. I waited for him bit but he didn't. I opened my eyes. "Orcus please".

He flipped us and now he was on top of me. I didn't get the time understand what's going on. His face was so close to mine that I could feel his breath fanning on my face. He turned my face to one side do get more access to my neck. O god he was gonna bite me. Before I could push him off, he sunk his fangs in my neck and I screamed and pushed him but he didn't move.

He was sinking his fangs deeper and I started to cry and my hands gave out. I felt numb and he detached from me and I inhaled sharply and was dizzy. He was looking into my eyes then his eyes travelled to my neck and he bent and licked the wounds i could feel them closing up and he sucked on my neck. He stopped and sat up and helped me up and I was resting in his arms I didn't have any energy left to move. I was shocked that I didn't pass out. He picked me up and place me on the bed and sat beside me. I don't wanna look at him.
" I. Hate. You" I managed to say.
"Zee I am here are you alright" Ditis came in my view and I saw Orcus walked to the sofa and a doctor entered the room. And i passed out.
I woke up because someone was spraying water on my face I opened my eyes and it was Ditis.
He held my hand abs and helped me sit up. I saw Orcus was getting his wounds dressed by the doctor.
"for how long I was out" I held  my head I realised I had a IV . " 10 minutes I guess" oooh that's great new record.
"yeah you made a new record cupcake." he smiled at me and I looked at Orcus he was furious i could feel the anger in his eyes. I touched my neck and I realised Ditis was no longer smiling. Too much tension  in the room.
"Doctor please check for any more bullets in his system please. He was acting quite weird after the even."i said in a concerned tone. And walked to Orcus and sat beside him." and please check if there's nothing shattered inside him i think he is acting way too childish. I am just concerned about him doctor you know i don't him to lose his memory of pigtails " I wiped away my fake tears and sniffed. Orcus was turning red as the doctor chuckled.
" Don't worry Mrs. Morningstar he is going to be all fit and fine in no time " oh fuck I didn't see that coming. I sat there blank like an idiot and Ditis was giggling like a little girl at me.
"she is not my wife". Orcus said. "aahhh your girlfriend Mr. Morningstar. Good she loves you very much" I was turning red like a tomato. Ditis was rolling on the floor due to laughter attack. And Orcus was confused whether he should bash his head or correct him.
" I am his pet doctor". The doctor looked at me with a shock.
"I apologise Mr. Morningstar."
He completed the dressing he gave Orcus a lecture about what he should and not do, he ruled out everything that Orcus loved and asked him to be in bed for at least 3 days. Like hell it would happen. I am call this a lecture because Orcus was so bored that he yawned and his eyes were droopy. After the doctor was gone. He was shouting at me and Ditis that he didn't need any if this.
"you should be in bed, I'll bring you breakfast. No fuss master. Do you want blueberry or chocolate pancakes" I asked him.
"chocolate, juice and meat" he stated and i gave him an awww poor baby look.
"should I bring you breakfast too you can eat here" I asked Ditis.
"nope I'll go down, thanks for asking cupcake. Go get his breakfast I'll be there with my pets in a while" he said with the usual smile.

I went down to take breakfast and Joel was already there he asked me to help. He can wait for some tasty pancakes it will just take a little time. I started flipping pancakes and Joel was making the bacon crispy the smell of all that food was making me hungry.


" Did you bite Zee on neck?" I know I  didn't have a right to question him but I am a little pissed right now.
"none of your business leave me alone" same old Orcus.
"Orcus this isn't funny, she doesn't deserve to be treated like this, you don't know what she's been through. How much traumatised she is" I was angry.
"oh really so she told you about her life, I am curious now what else you both have talked about". He is fucking impossible.
"Orcus don't go on the wrong track, I am telling you this  because I don't want her to get hurt that's all. She's been through a lot of bad people, bad things have happened to her." i looked at him and he wasn't satisfied with my answer. "I am saying this even after I promised her I won't tell anyone. And there's nothing between us so don't think like that please".

"So why were you both all cuddled up together?". Curious are we.

"last night she had a nightmare  after that she told me about herself. So I held her so she can sleep peacefully nothing else".

"okay we are clear, text me what she told you." arghhh I hate him doubt butt. 

I nodded and zapped out of his room straight to the dining hall.


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