Chapter 7

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She is too childish. Well i have to get her some more clothes, and mom wants to see her. It's normal she meets everyone's pet, the difference is I have had too many coz i end up losing (killing) them most of the time. My siblings have there pets for years.
" you are still punished, it was my, whatever. " she looked at me confused,I left her there.
" I have a day off. Let's take you shopping." I said to her. She dropped the spoon.
"are you going to dump me somewhere, oh please Orcus I won't argue. Please don't kill me. I didn't imagine my death like this." she blabbers like a baby with puppy dog eyes. Awww, wait what. And I stood there looking at her with a bored straight face😑.( can use the emoji to imagine).
" Zaylee shut up. Eat. Get ready. 20 minutes. Get that?"
" okay but you won't kill me pinky promise me ." she said waving her small finger in the air. Are you really 17??.
I held her pinky with my pinky.
"oh I will kill you if you won't hurry" I said to her flashing my teeth.
She was on the verge of crying, but didn't cry.
She finished her bowl of Cereal. And went to the wardrobe and came back wearing the shoes i bought her. She looks cute
"let's go" I picked up the keys, zaylee's collarand the leash from my table. She needs a new collar and leash too these are not my type.
And walked to her, she stepped away from her, I took another step and she stepped back again.
"pet. stop making a fuss." I  gritted my teeth.
After making her wear her collar and attaching the leash to it we were ready to go. I opened the door and stepped out, I looked at her and she stared at me like a kid who didn't want to see the dentist.
"come on let's go i dont have all day".
"you won't kill me? ." she asked in a small voice.
"no zaylee I won't kill you, now can we go". I hit my head on the door lightly.
"you promise" she pouted, she waved her pinky finger at me.
"I promise" I sighed holding her pinky with mine.
A human defeates the devil great nothing better can happen except this. 😩

"is that your car?" she asked in aww.
"you Don't like it?"
"are you out of your mind, this is Mazda MX 5. God I never thought I could see one of these. Its beautiful". I was stunned.
"you know about cars, good you aren't that boring" I said to her.
"hop in , let's get going"
"ooo this is gonna be fun." she was excited like a baby.
I was in the mood of going on a ride, it's been quite a long time now I haven't been out to relax.
"okay so here's the thing, first the mall then food after that we will go for ride, I need a time out".
"are you ill or something Orcus, I am scared for you.?" she asked in a concerned tone..
"why are you saying that.?" I was a little confused.
"I never had any of my masters doing this, you know taking pets for shopping or anything like this. Oh! God I get it." she said in a high tone.
If we got in a car accident today I'll definitely kill her, if I lived.
"what do you get?" I asked to know what is she thinking. Let me guess something related to me killing her.
"you are going to spoil me with all the fun things and then kill me after the ride. Aren't you?" she stated. I told you..
I started laughing, like a mad man to be honest.
It feels good I don't usually laugh. I don't have a lot of friends or people who talk to me, so this is good.
" oh god you are hilarious zaylee. "she looked at me confused.
" okay tell me something about you. "I tried to change the topic.
" you are seriously sick we should see a vampire doctor too. Did you fall on your head Orcus.? "
She touched my forehead to check my temperature and I instantly backed.
" zaylee stop it , I am fine okay i am just trying to change the topic." I said calmly.
" oh okay, sorry for that. So, my name is zaylee reeves and I have been a pet for many people for the last 4 years of my life, I survived because I always run away, and right now I am the pet of the most dangerous man on planet who doesn't seems to be that bad. That's it " she sighed.
" you think I am not that bad? "she nodded in a no.
" why do you run away when you know they will catch you? "I was curious to know more.
" well there were reasons, change the topic please "
" okay tell me about your life before you were caught. " she instantly frowned. Oh know did i hit the wrong memory.
" I lived in the forest with my parents and sisters.
It was a happily ever after, but happiness is not permanent. We were found by a group of vampires they were hunting humans. My father tried to fight them. My mum took us deep in the forest and hid us under the trees.i haven't met anyone since then. I hope, I hope they are alive. "
She started crying. I stopped the car and looked at her. She hid her face away.
" you don't have to stop because of me  snff snff
I am fine ". I don't know what to say, I don't know how to make people stop crying. I brushed her hair away from her face.
"hey look at me" I said softly.
I wiped the tears away from my thumb.
Her face is so small it fits in my palm. She looked at me sniffing with her cheeks and nose red.
I wanna kiss her. Wait what Orcus shut the fuck up, you don't think these lewd things. Wtf is wrong, i should see a doctor.
"you don't have to cry on something thats in the past okay. Now pull yourself together okay I want to see a smile when we get there." she nodded shyly.
"I am sorry Orcus" she hiccupped. "it's okay, let's go"
We reached the mall. I parked and we headed straight to get stuff for zalyee.
" you take whatever you want, and yupp get yourself some of those girls stuff too". I am not interested in woman shopping. Well I am good at it but only when I am alone. She was blushing on my words.
"are you serious" she asked with a straight face. I nodded in a yes and walked out.
"wait, can you help me choose I haven't been to shopping ever".
"what, really?" I was confused I mean ever 17 years of existence and this is what you tell me.
"no, my mom used to bring us clothes or she made some by herself. My other owners didn't really care about the clothing either, they gave me the clothes of their old pets. So, I haven't ever done this. Please can you choose for me." she stood there with her fingers knotted and looked down. Okay we can do this it's just shopping afterall.

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