Chapter 30

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It's been three days since Orcus left and we haven't heard anything from him until now, I am worried about him and scared of him at the same time. The way my nightmares are turning up I don't know what should I do, Orcus have taken care of me and I am thankful that even as a vampire he did all of this for me. I think I kind if like him I guess because all from the last three days I have this weird feeling in my heart it's heavy, I just want to hug him and say sorry. I think I have feelings for him.

Ditis, the twins and I have been living together, they keep everything bright and full of energy anywhere they go. Every night I sleep with Joel and Ditis cuddles up with Jace, I avoid to get up in the night because I don't want my virgin eyes to witness any of those steamy things that they told me about happening. Ditis truly loves them by all his heart but he doesn't want to tell this to everyone yet I guess he is scared of the reactions he will receive.

"Zee let's go"
"huh.... Oh yeah"
" come on"
"I'll be there in a minute Joel". I said him and got up immediately wearing my collar and slipping my shoes I ran downstairs. We made lunch, ate and cleaned the kitchen spotless phew!that was a lot of work, after completing all the chores we were heading upstairs but Ditis took us in the garden instead and we sat down on the grass under the sun enjoying the cool breeze. It was the perfect climate to relax and I was loving it, me and Joel played like we were little kids which reminded me of my sisters and I got a little sad but it was for just a moment.

"Zee I wanna tell you something" Ditis said to me and I walked to him panting because I ran too much.
" yess". I said inhaling sharply and walked around with him.
" I think you are totally fine, it's happening cuz you know.... All the past masters you've had and that's why your brain might be signaling you stay alert...". Ditis stated and I do agree on this but why when I am totally okay.
" good question well maybe because Orcus marked you or the time when he sucked you dry he might have....... Let a itsy bitsy venom in you which is affecting you in a bad way......". He concluded and I was confused, umm this really didn't got in my head.
"Zee in simple words he like you a lot lot". Ditis said and I felt my cheeks burning already, I was so excited that I jumped and hugged him.
"If this is true I am soooo happy because I feel the same....." . I screamed happily giggling as Ditis put me down.

I think it's okay to admit that I do have feelings for him plus why won't I have any after all he has been the best person I have ever known and his family. I decided to confess my feelings to Orcus as soon as he arrives, I can't wait to see him. Thinking all of this we walked back in and I came to know by one of the other pets that Orcus came back and he went straight to his room, I told Ditis that I was going to see him. So, I ran upstairs straight to his room and the door was open I was about to step in the room but Orcus stood in the way staring at me.
" hi... May I come in". I said in a jolly tone waving at him as he cleared the path for me to enter and closed the door behind us.
" where were you?". I asked him and turned to look at him.
" why do you care?" he said harshly before walking into the closet making me giggle.
" you were out I don't know.. where..... from the last three days... And Didn't pick any calls now you say why do I care? Unbelievable". I was a little by now because I don't know what got into him but he was behaving weird.

" are you done I don't wanna talk right now". He said dryly and looked away, I felt a pang of pain in my heart as this was taking place because I was imagining something else and this was the total opposite of the scenario I thought of but it's better to take time.
" o-okay, I just want to let you know.... nevermind". I said in a low voice looking down to my hands trying hard not to cry and I ran out from the room.


I finally decided to go back home and
I wasn't thinking about anything until I got home because it will just ruin things up nothing else and I couldn't let that happen everytime. I parked the car and walked into the kitchen picking up a chocolate cookie I walked to the garden as I heard people laughing.

As I stepped forward I saw Zee wrapped up in Ditis's arms and she was screaming " I am soooo happy I feel the same way" she smiled and hugged him. Wait she feels the same way about what, I walked back into my room with a million thoughts in my head and my temper ticking.

She likes Ditis, she's been eyeing my brother this whole time and I was a fool to fall for her. Now I understand why she is all comfortable and happy around him. How could I not see all of this, I need to act normal I don't want to make a scene. Fuck this how could she do this after all those things I did for her, was she blind that she couldn't notice it. I sighed and was about to close the door when she came into smiling and waving at me.
"hi.....may I come in" . She was happy and I could see it clearly on her face, in her voice and this was making me mad. I let her in the room and she followed me around like she usually does, she kept asking me thing and even said that she cared about me and I lost it. I just asked not to talk to me and she was about to say something but ran out of the room instead.

I zapped after her and grabbed her by the waist before she could fall of the stairs and brought her back to the room slamming the door shut behind us. Seriously right now my mind is going nuts but I cannot do anything as if I get angry I don't know what I'll do.
" thanks" she said in a small voice shivering as she sobbed.
I tried to ignore everything and went to take a shower so I can calm myself down and find a way to talk to her as getting angry on her wasn't an option. Like her or not she doesn't deserve to be treated badly.

After taking a nice warming shower I came back into the room and spotted Zee curled up in the corner of the sofa reading the book I got for her. By the looks I can tell she was half way through and she was enjoying it, I coughed to get her attention which I successfully achieved and joined her on the sofa.
" Zalyee there's something I need to talk to you about." I said as she is folded her legs and got closer to me that's a way of Zee showing interest in the talk.
" great I want to tell you something too..." . She said excitedly with a smile plastered to her face" you first..." she said and got comfortable cuddling up with a pillow like a million butterflies bursting out of her and I came to know how weak I was in front of her.
I mean not weak but helpless I guess it's just the same thing, I sighed as I thought to myself.

" look I don't mind this at all okay.... I mean it's for the best after all. I didn't know it in the first place but, it's fine."
I said laughing and trying to make sense while Zee gave me a confused look.
" Orcus what are you trying to say can you please say it clearly " she fucking did a sum up for me as I face palmed myself.
" you know what I am fucking nervous why don't you tell me first. Maybe that will be way better". I said slumping on the sofa like a big burden got lifted off to my chest.

" oh!..... Oh OK ok... It's just that I-I - I heheheh...... I l-l-.. OH GAWD THIS IS SOOOOOO HARD." she huffed and rubbed her hands together.
" huh... I guess I am not the only one" I said smirking at her making her a angry, blushing mess and then she turned her face to the other side.
"Aewww someone's pretty angry" I spoke in a feminine voice brushing my hair back and suddenly a pillow hits on my face.
" YES I AM ANGRY" she shouted standing up on the sofa before she dived on me and started hitting me with her balled fists. It was pretty cute I almost forgot everything and enjoyed the moment when her feather like hands were hitting on my chest as I blocked my face. It was ticklish actually and I bursted into laughter and she increased the hits.

" hahahaha why don't hhahhaa hah.. Hahaha why don't you just spill it hhahahhah". I laughed.
"I like you errrrr... I don't know how After all this teasing and everything but still i do.... Aaarghhhhh I'll kill you Morningstar". She said hitting me and I was lost in thought what the fuck did I just hear. I held both of her hands and looked at her steaming hot red face as she was squirming for me to leave her hands.
" what did you say" I whispered and she froze.
" I - I.. Huh I like you". She said with her eyes shut and nose all scrunched up.
" wait a minute... So, you don't like Ditis" I asked out loud what the fuck is wrong with me. Zee started laughing and she fell on the floor rolling all over the place.

" So... Hhahahhah... That's..why.. Hhahah ha were Grumpy..... Oh god.... You poor thing... Hahaha..... I like Ditis......... Hahahhha hahaha... GAWD....... Good one... Hahaha". She laughed about it for an hour or so, until I was drowning into embarrassment and i finally picked her from the floor and threw on the bed.

" laugh now my little puppy." I said kissing her cheek and she laughed.
" your brother is an awesome, amazing and best friend I could ever ask for" she said and finally stopped laughing.
" I think I shouldn't have thought something like that. I am sorry". I said caressing her cheek as she nodded in a no, that means I don't have to be sorry about anything...


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