Chapter 11

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I walked zalyee to Ditis's room. I knocked at his door.
"be nice to him okay and keep this key with you. So, you can go to the room in the morning."
I gave all the instructions that I thought were necessary, for the first time she listened quietly and agreed to everything I said.
"you are not coming back in the morning?"
" maybe" I said to her. Ditis opened the door.. "come in cupcake, I am all yours" he said with a wide smile. I am furious right now, he has no right to call her cupcake.
" why don't you go in Zee make yourself comfortable". oh don't you dare give her nicknames now. She went inside, Ditis stood in front of me with his arms folded, he looked at me and raised an eyebrow. 🤨

"seriously dude, didn't expect this from you. I know it's difficult but you have to take care of your pets, you can't always kill them because they need attention." he is an idiot.
" I know that, I just don't give a shit and getting rid of them is easier" I stated.

"you are weird and psychotic. So, why special attention to her Hmmm. You never care about clothes or food for them. And the amazing part is you are getting jealous." he wiggled his eyebrows. What's with the eyebrows man everyone in this house can do that.
I went straight to garage and took out the guns, extra silver bullets. Knives and changed into something more comfortable for killing. Yupp that's right the assassin suit.
Good luck to me.


I am a little worried about Orcus. No not that I like him or something, just as a person. Why shouldn't I he took care of me like nobody ever did. I was zoned in my thoughts I didn't realise that Ditis was waving his hand in front of my face.
" earth to zee, hello someone there" I shook my head and looked at him.
" I am really sorry I was just lost in thoughts". I told him. He sat down with me on the floor.
"do you mind taking off your collar" I place my hand to my neck, it's still on I didn't even realised. I think because it's not like my old collar choking and smelly. I took of the collar and gave it to Ditis he gave it look and smirked at me.
"pretty collar, as far as I remember this is the first time he brought a collar for his pet." my eyes widened at his words.
" So, what's wrong, why did you ask for staying here ?" he asked me.
" because.... I just don't like staying alone that's it." I am lying and he will know, stupid move dumb head.
" yes you are a dumb head, you can talk whenever you feel like." I smiled at him, he is so kind.
" where is your pet ? " I looked around searching for anyone to show up.
" oh yess I do have pets zee they are downstairs fetching food for us. Do you know pets work in the kitchen? why don't you join them someday.?
A list of questions." 1 you said pets. 2 I didn't knew that. 3I will ask Orcus if he says yes I'll love to work in the kitchen." I sighed
"okay and by pets I mean I have two Jace and Joel they are twins ." he smiled.
"you have boys why not girls. Oh! You are."
He looked sternly at me. I hid my face with my hands."I am sorry I didn't mean to offend you".
"don't worry just don't tell anyone ever okay."
"pinky promise not even a word". I said to him, he held my pinky and i zipped my lips. After that we both started laughing.
There was a slight knock on the door, Ditis got up and i followed him. He opened the door and there were two boys standing infront of us with a mountain of food which was about to fall, but Ditis and I helped to carry it inside.
"oh hello I am Jace nice to meet you umm"
" Zalyee and nice to meet you too Jace" I said with a wide smile. They both were really cute I think Joel isn't much of a talker he waved at me and stood beside Ditis who was smirking at him.

After finishing our food we sat down to play scrabbles, the game didn't went well because Ditis was himself a dictionary ( what else should he expected from someone 700 year old) we threw the game away and then pillow fight started. It was so fun I started recalling memories of my sisters and me playing and laughing. Ditis side hugged me and I looked at him. "what's wrong cupcake?" i smiled at him and started hitting him with the pillow. We played until we were covered with feathers.
After that we cleaned the room and went to sleep. Ditis asked me to sleep with him as the twins went to there bed. I mean there was a big bed on which it was spray painted The TWINS.

"Ditis I am sorry if I wasted your time coming to your room I mean I.." I was shushed.
" I don't have any problem with you Zee okay. My doors are always open for you."
"really I mean it's because I destroyed all your pillows and even hit you so hard." I was still counting on all the mistakes I did.
"no I am not mad at you, if say one more word I'll suck the life out of you" he started laughing.

I was really sleepy now, my head rested on Ditis's shoulder and I cuddled like a baby.
"don't mind if I sleep like this it's been a very long time...." i fell asleep.


It was so good having her around she is cute and fun. She is not like other pets timid and scared, she is opposite of everything a pet should be. I don't have a idea how Orcus handles her. I mean he is not a person who will tolerate anything getting out of line, Zee has no line. And now she knows my little secret well it's not little though.
I'm not ashamed of telling about it. I just don't want to get a overwhelming reaction from everyone. Well I trust her she won't tell anyone.
Loud people are better at keeping secrets.
Jace and Joel were fast asleep so was Zee. She wasn't in my arms anymore she was at one side of the bed.
I was looking at ceiling and listening to music.
I felt the bed move and I got up and looked at Zee. She was all sweaty and shaking.
She was having a nightmare. She started murmuring and listened that she was begging for someone to stop and Zee cried.
"hey, hey it's okay. It's okay. It's just a nightmare." she looked at me with wide eyes and sat up..
And wiped her tears. She cried for a while. I was sitting by her side and rubbed her. I gave her some water, she took some sips and thanked me.
"I am sorry I didn't mean to wake you" she didn't even make an eye contact.
"I wasn't sleeping, look at me Zee" she didn't look up. I waited for her to look up at me but she didn't. "Zalyee look at me" I cooed stroking her cheeks. She lifted her head and looked at me.
" are you okay now?" she nodded in a yes.
"okay then tell me what got you scared" she backed herself. "it was just a bad dream" she said sniffing. "can't lie to me cupcake".
"it's just a bad memory" she shook her head.
"wanna tell me i won't tell anyone I pinky promise" I lifted my hand and waved my pinky. She chuckled and heldy pinky with hers.
"okay but you promise not to tell anyone ever"
I nodded in a yes to her.


who am I to you Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora