Chapter 15

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I was done making pancakes for everyone and made extra too. I grabbed a plate and filled it with pancakes for both of us and poured two glasses of orange juice. I got myself eggs a slice of bacon and lots of slices for Orcus. I took a bottle of water from the refrigerator and took two forks and walked out of the kitchen thanking everyone I saw. I was walking out the dining hall and I saw Orcus's mom.
"hey wait" I froze in my place. It was the sound of a lady. "here give this to my dumb brother" she placed a glass of blood slushie on the tray and I looked up. It was Orcus's sister.
"okay ma'am" I said softly. "jeez he really brainwashes his pets, mom you know she got a bullet out of his leg" I was looking at her with wide eyes.
"oh dear is he alright, a bullet what happened?"
His mom was getting out of mind.
"mom it's nothing he is perfectly fine i was in the room, Billy I told you not to tell her" Ditis was arguing with his sister. I walked to his mother.
"ma'am don't worry, I'll ask him to come see you after he is normal. He is a little angry right now. But his injuries are completely fine. I promise"
I said in a low tone. She sighed and relief showered at her face.
"okay dear now go get breakfast" I walked to the room and pushed the door with my shoulder and went straight to the bed.
I placed the tray in front of him and sat down. He was not talking.
"come on before it gets cold" I said.
"where's your plate?" He didn't even look at me.
"I only have two hands, so I brought it just one plate so it can fit. And your sister asked me to give this to you" I pointed at the slushie.
He took the slushie and started sipping it. I picked up a peice of bacon and took it close to his mouth and gave him a toothy smile. He ate it, and picked his fork and started eating. Practically he meant he can eat by himself. I started eating too.
"Orcus when you will be feeling good, go to your mom she is worried sick about you." he glared at me. "you told my mother about it, I never tell anyone and you made it a mess already" he kept shouting. " I didn't" I said and looked down to my plate.
Tears started pooling in my eyes and ran to the bathroom.


She is a walking disaster in my life. She was sleeping with Ditis then she is taking care of me. Such a freak she is. She shouted on me like I was  a baby and she was incharge. She fucking pulled out a bullet with her fucking hand she is nuts.
I wouldn't have ever done that. I taught her a lesson that who is the boss here by biting her neck. But no she joked with the doctor. And I need to fucking track that doctor he called her Mrs. Morningstar. Well the idea is not bad but wait what the fuck i am thinking.
She even told mom and now she is in the bathroom crying. Now I am the bad guy again.
I picked up the tray and kept it on the table and wal to the bathroom i could hear her sniffles.
I knocked "Zalyee come out." I am not in the mood of emotional support I fucking don't know what it is.
" go away I don't wanna talk to you, you monster" she was crying and she called me a monster.
"open the fucking door or I'll break it. I'll count to three" I punched the door.
"one" i started counting."go away." she shouted.
"two" I walked infront of the door. And waited that it will open. "three" and i was about to punch and it opened and Zalyee ran out. I caught her and she was fighting me like she could win seriously 10 points for the effort.
I held both of her wrists in my one hand and pinned her on the wall. She was screaming at me." shut the fuck up" I growled and everything went silent. I looked down at her and saw her cheeks stained with tears and her face was flushed. I picked her up and went to the bed and sat down. She started wiggling away. I held her waist and made her straddle me.
"Orcus let go of me, I don't want to talk to you. If you want me to do chores I'll do it." she was looking down and whenever I tried to make an eye contact she would shift her gaze at something else.
"look at me" she looked at me angrily nad shifted her gaze i held her waist by one hand and i pushed her chin up from another to make her look at me. Finally  I could look into her eyes.
"why are you crying?" I asked like a fool.
"because you are a mean monkey and rudeness is filled in your veins".she sniffed aww little puppy got her nose stuffed.
"so that is why you are crying because i am mean monkey" I repeat her lines. She nodded and shifted her gaze. I held her face with both of my hands and looked at her and started making monkey sounds. Her eyes went wide and she started laughing, that's more like it.
"i hate you" she giggled. "I agree i hate you too" I said to her. She kept giggling until her fingers came in contact with the bandages on my arms.
She jumped away from my lap and sat down on the bed. " I am so sorry I totally forgot" she was keeping distance with me and I don't know why but i dont like she moving away from me. "it's okay I am fine" I said to her.
"Orcus how did you get shot?" she said timidly.
"I'll tell you all about it, but first I want you to fetch my phone and laptop".she walked to my desk and brought it to me. We both sat on the bed. "zee bring a notepad and pen" she nodded and fetched it for me. "thanks puppy" I said and I realized I said something wrong. "did you just call me a puppy?" she was giving me a weird look.
"can I not call you that".
" no you can I don't mind" she was fine with it.
I'll call you my sweet bunny, my angel, my princess whatever I'll. Fuck you Orcus pull yourself together stop loosing your mind all the time.
I called Steven and fixed my meeting with the King I don't like keeping loose strings, it makes the work easier.
"right now Zee I am working for the King, I am an assassin I kill bad people only to be specific."
She turned pale and sad. "you kill people for money".
"no not for money well i do get money, but I kill coz.... It's a long story. I started hunting down some people after that I killed for fun, but I realised I need to change in order to make a better image if myself. I can't give you all the details but now I don't kill without reasons " I tried to convince her with my words.
" but you are out there, where.. Where nothing is safe and you do that for those who might have wrong intentions too and you put yourself in danger just because you have blood lust or what"
That's why people don't have arguments with women.
"no puppy I do it because.. Let it be." I sighed.
"do you know how to read and write you can help me with my work you won't get bored". I have never tried something like that with my pets before but I think a little change wouldn't harm anyone.
"hell yeah I do know just there might be spelling mistakes because I am out of Practice".
"let's do it."
After that we sorted out the information about those people whom I have in my list. The guy from last night spilled some information before dying. We found out that many of them were with  criminal records, vampires have law too so yeah these guys were conspiring against fire itself.
I had to do something before they could even act or worst things can happen. I was so dazed in my thoughts I didn't realise Zalyee was shaking me.
I looked at her she was staring at me with her big doe eyes. "Orcus all these people whom you have listed doesn't connect to anything?" she is curious and now I am interested in listening what she has to say about it.
"what do you mean.?" I folded my hands and slumped back.
"umm i mean you know they must have a reason to kill, I don't think any of them is the one we are looking for." she stated.
"so you think these people are just pawns?" I am just using her words in a different way.
" yess.... I think there might be someone involved from the family because these kind of conspiracy against the majesty must be tipped by someone from the inside." good lord my kitten has seen too much of Sherlock Holmes I think, well she might have point. I took the notepad from her and checked if she had everything written. Well i was impressed as it's the first time I have seen something witten by her. It was not written in cursive and there were many spelling mistakes but it was good. I looked at Zalyee and she was hiding her face with her palms and peeking through her finger.
"it's good puppy, for a beginner it's very good. I allow you to use my library if you have interest in reading." she shifted her hands and smiled.
"are you serious?" I nodded to her in a yes. And she jumped at me devouring me in a warm hug. I wrapped my hands around her. We sat there just like that for a while and my eyes travelled to the wrist watch i didn't took off and it was night already.
"let's go get dinner. Time flies when you have intresting work to do".
She smiled and got of the bed and went to the table grabbed her collar and tied it around her neck and picked up the dirty trays we have gathered from last two days.
After having dinner with my family and telling mom a thousand times that I am fine we finally came back to my room.
I recalled what Ditis was talking about  Zalyee's past and I thought I should have a peek in it as well.
By peek I mean, well some people are born with abilities to do things that are different and in vampires it is very common in the royal families or the archaic ones because we have these traits inherited to us. Ditis can read minds for an example. I never used my mine after a series of events i faced in my life. I use it sometimes but i prefer not to.
I saw Zalyee walking out of the bathroom she tied her hair into a bun and I could see her neck it was red and bluish where I bit her in the morning.
I sat on the bed and asked zee to come   to me. I am nervous why the fuck I am nervous about it. No doubt I am different around her I don't know why but I'll figure out soon.
"I need blood". I said and her expressions changed all the color flushed out of her face.
"o.. Ok.. But not my.. neck" she was really scared.
" neck it is then. Don't worry it won't hurt this time I promise". I held her hand and cooed to her.
"I promise trust me"

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