Cute Girl (Okita Sougo)

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Her one motivation was— food and sleep. 'That's right!! If I finish this all by tonight, I can eat all I want and then sleep all I want. You can do this, (Y/N)! For food and sleep!!' She chanted in her mind and she kept working and working and working.

Until night finally came. "....only....10....more," (Y/N) dryly says, reaching her hand out to the stack of papers.

"Oh, you're working hard, (Y/N)."

Okita's voice rang in her ears, then the said man takes a seat opposite of her, flaunting a nicely cooled can of coffee in his hand, dangling the delicious drink playfully in front of her. (Y/N)'s eyes sparkled at the sight of her favourite drink— a boost of energy was also just what she needed!

'I know this might be impossible because Sougo's heart is purely black and he only thinks about ways to torture everyone around him mentally 24/7, but.....PLEASE LET THAT COFFE BE FOR ME!!' She shrieked in her mind as she had this really obvious 'I-want-that-coffee-in-your-hand ' look on her face.

"Y-Yeah! How about you, Sougo? Done with your patrols for the day?" She tried to casually strike up a conversation, giving him the cutest and most innocent smile she could muster.

"Oh, yeah. Totally, I also just finished trying to assassinate Hijikata-san too. Too bad it didn't work again." Okita boredly says, waving the can about.

An amused smirked etched on his lips as she followed the can with her eyes. "O-Oh yeah? Well, I've been working on these paper works and I haven't been able to get a drink. I'm totally parched—"

The can hissed as Okita opened the lid and started drinking, whilst giving the poor woman a smug smirk- a sadist smirk.

(Y/N)'s jaw dropped, the look on her face resembled how a 5 year old kid would look if you stomped on his christmas oresents and told him Santa doesn't exist with a straight face.

'Of course, it's for him....Look at this demon watching me die of dehydration....I bet he's enjoying this...' She growled into her mind, plotting a thousand ways to get back at the sadistic captain, as she sighed dejectedly and plopped her head back down on the table with a soft thud.

Okita smirked, he loved teasing her and especially when she was so obvious. He softly exhaled through his nose as a small smile appeared on his lips while she wasn't looking.

'I guess this is enough teasing....' He thinks as he brings out another can of coffee which hadn't been opened yet. He then slid it on the table right in front of her.

"Here, you can have this." He looked away, while (Y/N) looked up to see the can of coffee. Her eyes immediately lightened up and she opened it in a split second.

"I made a mistake when I pressed the machine and it gave me two. I can't drink two of them," Okita stated as he stood up, shrugging his hands into his pockets.

"Wait—!!" (Y/N) called out before Okita could leave. Okita stopped in his tracks, and craned his neck a little to glance at her waiting for her next words.

"...Thank you, Sougo!!"

Okita's eyes widened, the corners of his lips tugging slightly downwards as he was left speechless. He was caught off guard— he definitely did not expect that angelic smile of hers to appear out of nowhere. A small blush covered his cheeks as he quickly turned his head away so she wouldn't see and tease him about it.

He stomped on ahead and disappeared through the hallways.

"This cute girl....really,"

"Ahh!! I feel refreshed! Alright, time to finish the rest of 'em!!" Finally regaining her lost strength and energy, (Y/N) grinned widely.


"Hm....What should I do for the day?" (Y/N) stretched her arms up, feeling a bit productive as she roamed freely inside the Shinsengumi Compounds.

Today, was one of her rare day offs. So she was looking forward to relaxing, a bit of slacking off and doing nothing that takes a lot of energy—in short she wanted to be lazy— in layman's term, she wanted to be Okita, who does nothing but slack around all day.

Then, she sees Okita inside the training hall, he was practicing his swings. But, he was also wearing his casual kimono— meaning he was on his day off as well.

"Hm, I presume when you have a day off— you're on a day off from killing Toshi as well?" (Y/N) comments, leaning against the door frame with her hands crossed over her chest.

"Hm? Oh, it's your day off too?" Okita pauses his practice and turns to her. "Wanna spar with me?" He suggested with a small smirk, he was provoking her— he knew (Y/N) had always been a bit competitive, especially when it comes to him.

"Oh, you're on!! You're gonna lose!" (Y/N) growls playfully as she grabs a wooden stick and assumed a stance.

Okita and (Y/N) looked into each other's eyes before (Y/N) striked first. Okita managed to block all her blows, but all he could do was defend because she was steadily and swiftly cornering him.

'Oh, looks like I'm gonna lose if I don't do something.' Okita thought, his eyes wandering unto her figure and then he noticed something— thanks to her kimono being slightly loose.

"Hey, you—!" Okita cried out, but (Y/N) continued attacking him relentlessly.

"You're—!" Okita was cut off again, as (Y/N) leapt forward dealing a heavy blow which Okita barely managed to defend against.

"You're not wearing a bra!" Okita finally blurted the words out and (Y/N) froze— shocked stunned with her arms still raised up high, yet frozen in the air.

(Y/N) snapped out of her trance when she felt the tip of Okita's sword tap her forehead lightly.

"You lose."

"WHA—But you were staring!! Pervert!" (Y/N) cried out with a blush as she raised her hands to cover her chest protectively from his eyes. "Oh, you're really not wearing one?" He had an amused expression on his face.

"I-It's my day off so I didn't really think I had to go out and wear one....." She blushed deeply and Okita smirked. Gently, he cupped her chin with his hand and smirked at her.

"I think I'd prefer that too~" He says, dangerously smirking as he pressed his lips against hers.

"But from now on— this cute girl belongs to me~" he says as he pinched her cheek, slinging his sword on his shoulder he walked away.


WHEW. THAT WAS BAD. WAS SHE A TSUNDERE? I DUNNO, DID SOUGO TEASE HER OR DO SADISTIC STUFF TO HER? i dunno either so Bisha-chan will apologize. Im so sorry for this IaMsHiNaEyOo. I really really really hope u like it. Im so sorry its so bad my writing totally sucks so sorry.

Requests still open! ♥️


And help Bisha-chan's man (Gintoki) become #1 too!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️

These are the characters you can vote on:

Takasugi Shinsuke

Sakata Gintoki

Katsura Kotaro

Sakamoto Tatsuma

Hijikata Toshiro

Okita Sougo




Yoshida Shoyo/Utsuro (?)

Toujo Ayumu

Kondo Isao

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