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Flashback (Navya's POV)

Collecting all the items I needed, I moved towards the billing counter and as usual there was a long queue there. Its sunday. I should've just came tomorrow. But what can I do? I was so craving sandwiches.

Anyway, I started playing candy crush while waiting for my turn keeping my trolley on the side. I'm stuck on one level since yesterday and right now as well I've wasted four lives on the same level. I was about to tap on retry that I noticed someone else's trolley pushing my trolley from behind.

Looking forward, I saw that there were still few people left, so I just pushed the other trolley backward and got my trolley on my side again.

As I wasted few more moves, the same trolley was again pushing my trolley and I again pushed it backwards.

Stupid people, they can't even take care of their trolleys.

I was about to finish the level, but I lost due to lack of just one move which I couldn't get even after spinning the wheel.

Stupid candy crush, can't even let me win.

And again my trolley is being pushed. Instead of adjusting the trolleys, I looked behind and screamed in the most annoyed tone possible,


And there's this guy with average height and a handsome face grinning at me stupidly who doesn't even care to reply. If he didn't have irritated me, I could've grinned back but poor guy, you welcomed trouble. I raised by brows in pure rage crossing my arms.

He just signalled me to to look forward raising his one brow and sniggering.

I looked ahead and there was just one person between me and the billing counter and there was more than the needed space between me and that person.

God! When did this line cleared. I just moved towards the counter with my trolley clearly chagrined.

The same guy nudged me from behind and I ignored. I looked at my phone. I can't even play candy crush now as I lost all my lives on that stupid level and now I'll receive my next life in eighteen minutes.

He nudged me again and ignoring him I kept the items from the trolley to the counter. After paying I reached towards my car and kept all the items in the trunk.

As I went to place back the cart, I saw the same person going to place back his cart from other side of the lot. I started walking slowly for him to reach first, guess why?

As soon as he reached, I fastened my pace and kept my cart behind his with  a little push which totally went unnoticed by him as he was busy smirking at me. I smiled and left from there and before I could reach my car, the whole set of carts was moving forward and guy's expression changed from smirk to shock while the security guard was looking at him as if he hasn't paid the parking fees.

I drove from there as soon as possible and reached Cross Cafe.

Well, I need a hot cup of coffee after such a tedious job.

As I was waiting for my coffee, I saw the same guy coming towards me. What is he, a fevi stick.

I glared at him as he sat on the opposite chair and he glared at me in return.

After a few minutes of staring competition, he made the funniest face trying to widen his eyes more and I chortled unable to keep in my teeth anymore.

As if on cue, he also started laughing. Maybe he also realized, how kiddish we were being.

After few seconds, we both stopped laughing and I asked,

'Who saved you from the guard?'

'I ran after you' he told me.

'And followed me' I asked smirking.

'Coffee' he said

And at that exact time my coffee arrived but before the waitor could place that in front of me, he got hold of that, and said,

'Thanks, this is the quickest service possible'

Ignoring him, I just asked the waitor for another cup of coffee.

'I'm Cabir' he said.

'Okay' I replied awkwardly

'Didn't your parents teach you manners, if someone is telling you his name, you've to tell your name in return.' he said in the most dramatic way possible. God, save me.

'Navya' I replied.

'Okaay, I'm a singer' he said.

'I'm studying fashion design' I replied before he could teach me more manners.

'I can also play guitar' he said. What? Is there a competition going on.

'So?' I asked.

'No, I was just trying to make you talk.' he said. And I kept a straight trying not to smile. That is sweet though.

He kept looking at me for a minute as if expecting me to say something but I kept mum not knowing what to say.

My coffee arrived and we sipped our coffee in silence. For me, it was a bit awkward but looking at his face, he wasn't feeling least bit awkward. In fact, it looked like its his job to annoy girls everyday, apart from being a singer obviously.

'Cookies?' he asked opening the wrapper. I declined nodding my head both ways.

'Your wish' he said and dipped the goddamn cookie in the coffee that the cookie was covered in froth. Who does that? I looked at him annoyed as he ate that cookie with froth.

'What, it's really good, you want to try?' he said but I sipped my coffee not saying anything.

'I thought you'll speak something this way though' he said making me give him a questioning look.

'But no doubt, I love eating cookies this way' he said and dipped the remaining cookie before stuffing it in his mouth.

'Okay, I could've started singing for you, but you see there is already a singer on the little podium.' he said and fished something out of his pocket placing it infront of me.

'Now this can amaze you though' he spoke and it was nothing but a blank paper. I scowled and left from there.

Did someone hired him to bug me or what?

As I sat on the driver's seat, Cabir knocked the passenger before I could drive away.

I rolled it down frustrated and he just placed an envelope on the passenger seat which had something scribbled on it.

I took the envelope in my hand and looked at him but he had already left.
The was a note written on the envelope saying,

It wasn't a blank paper, you could've just turned it around. Anyway, If this makes you speak WOW, I would love to see you again.

Author's note:
Hey lovelies, I'm a bit late because I was stuck with my final year exams which are finally over.
Hope you loved the chapter.
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