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I woke up early in the morning and went for a jog. The nearby track had a lot of crowd, so I decided to drive to the jogger's track which is slightly on the countryside. Also, I wanted to think about what I am actually going to talk to the person I have to meet today.

The morning sun looked pretty much like any other day but in the backdrop I can feel the clouds all over my vision. Moreover I don't even know that why I'm thinking of helping a person who is in jail right now. Never in my entire time studying law had I imagined myself as someone who would be going against all the rights. I've always been of the opinion that if someone is behind the bars, there has to be some involvement, directly or indirectly but there has to be some relevance. The dots just need to be joined.

Then I met a person who is I don't actually know who. I just know he can make amazing sketches. I just know that I feel sincerity in his eyes. I just know that I always follow my instincts which is the same thing I'm going to do in this scenario as well.

And this is why I'm here getting ready to meet someone I don't even know. Turns out Arya turned me down at the last moment saying he has to drive his mother to the nearby town at some relative's place. Amazing. Isn't it?
The person he was going to make me meet turns out to be his brother which he says is the right person for my dissertation project.
I just hope he is not sending a criminal for me to meet thinking I want to make a dissertation on a criminal who is roaming out in open.
What am I even thinking? He is Arya. Why would his brother be a criminal?

I checked on Navya who is still sleeping. Texting her that I'm heading out for breakfast with someone. I left for the café venue I received from Arya saying the guy wearing the darkest shade of black is his brother. I mean, seriously, ain't black already the darkest?
I anyway texted him to send me his brother's contact info which I haven't received till now. Hoping that his brother is also not bailing out on me. I drove to the café.

Reaching the café which turns out to be a rooftop one. Feels suitable for mornings. It seems as if the whole Midcross is filled with rooftop cafés only.

I looked around for the so called darkest shade of black when someone tapped on my right shoulder. Looking around I found a rather familiar face smiling at me.

'Hey Siddharth, long time no see, should I say?' I said and chuckled to which he grinned and said,

'Well I've been sent here to see the girl with the smallest height which must be you and to answer your question, Yes, you should, since I was completely forming the opinion that you are going to make the prison your second home'

'Well that's too much info being thrown my way.
A. You're Arya's brother, like what the F. Why didn't I know this till now.
B. Smallest height. Like seriously. That's how he introduces me. He can pray for himself now.
C. Well about prison, I don't know about second home but I'm here in that context only.'

'Okay okay okay, I guess we should sit and talk' he suggested.

'Yeah sure'

We moved to sit. Now here at this café we have those small wooden ceiling for each table separately which gives the feel that you have your privacy and it actually gives away a great vibe. I must come here with Maddy someday.

Okay I should not be thinking about this at this instant though.

I have two options right now.

One, Continue with the same dissertation plan but Siddharth doesn't look stupid enough to believe that, knowing the fact that he knows how many times I've already met Manik.

Second option I have is to tell him directly that I want to meet Manik which is the only option I actually have right now.

We were waiting for our coffee looking around when he said,

'So Arya told me you needed some help with your project.'

'Yeah that's what I told him' I said out of nowhere and his eyes widened for a split second after which he composed himself and said,

'Okay, then why are we meeting here?' he asked with curious eyes. Manik. I wanted to say but I instead said,

'Let the coffee arrive. I'll tell you.'

'Okay' he said and I got busy on my phone to give myself time to think what exactly I can talk to make him agree in helping me meet Manik.

I don't really have anything on my side here to resonate though. There is also a possibility he would explain me that I'm just being naïve here and not thinking practically and later enlighten me that he knows about criminals more since he is in a profession where he deals with prisoners on an everyday basis and it is a completely stupid idea to meet Manik without even being completely sure that he is innocent.

There's other possibility that he would just leave after listening and the people enjoying their morning coffees here might witness my melodrama of nagging or running behind me.

Maybe I can tell him about Cabir though or I can make him meet Cabir. Maybe he will believe someone from Manik's family but how much do I really know Cabir. What if he denies from meeting an official from the prison itself thinking it to be a trap or something. How does it look like a trap though?

'Look Nandini, I highly feel like you already knew I'm Arya's brother and you might want to give me a lecture on not being responsible and leaving you for the whole night in Manik's cell. It was not right on my part and I genuinely apologize for the same.' He said looking at me right in the eye. What the F.

'Wait up man. Let me speak at least. I didn't know you were Arya's brother until few moments before. First thing first.

Secondly I'm here for something else but since you are really guilty about leaving me for a night in Manik's cell. I don't really think so I've to think about how to frame it. I can ask you for a favour right.' I replied and asked.

'Ermm why do I feel like I did the wrong thing jumping the gun.' He asked suspiciously to which I just smiled.

'Its not a lot I'm asking you for.' I said

'I just want to meet Manik'

And he widened his eyes. If only eyes could be termed as saucers.

Author's Note:
Yes Yes Yes I'm expecting some tomatoes my way. You guys probably don't even remember me though but I still hope you guys have this story in your libraries.

I know I haven't been late. I literally disappeared even after promising for updating every week or so and I don't have any logical reason to tell you guys.

But I'm back and I really hope you guys remember the storyline and enjoyed this chapter. If yes and a yes. Please vote, comment and share.

I really want to write this story and all I need is your support.
Lots of Love

Manan FF: The Sketch ArtistWhere stories live. Discover now