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He looked at me with eyes as wide as saucers as if I just asked him to get me the bones of an extinct dinosaur. But well, I agree I didn't ask anything as easy as getting a candy from the nearest store. Though he literally spends half of his day in that prison being at job there, still meeting someone without being a relative or a lawyer is highly non permissible in law.

Now, What's left is to wait and watch that our Arya's brother, Mr Siddharth will be as loyal to the law as a dog is to its owner or he will take the route the other way. I hope he chooses the later though since I don't see another option to aid my situation here and probably this is the last chance I got at this moment.

I looked at him with hope that he would say something, if not much, then ask for an explanation that why do I want to meet a sketch artist who is in a prison whose reasons for being there are also kept confidential.

After the prolonged pause he said,

'I so knew it.'

'What?' I asked perplexed while he had that face as if he just decoded a mystery.

'Manik and You!
You guys are dating. Right!' He said as if it was obvious.

'No, why would you think something like that.' I said.

'Duh seriously, its on your face, you being so desperate to meet him and you found the excuse with the prison governor's daughter to meet him twice or thrice before. Why would you be so desperate to meet a criminal if you don't have any sort of relationship with him?' He said and I could've scratched his face for thinking something this stupid but right now I've to get some work done from him.

'You're completely taking it wrong. I'm just a curious law student who believes that there's something in this case which is missing and I can just see through that he is not a criminal there.' I said thinking he would understand my perspective, though a small part of me knew, its not about me being a law student anymore.

There's something more to it that I want to explore but how can I state it in words if I don't even have things clear in my mind. Right now, I'm just going with the flow. Doing what I feel is right and let's see where this takes me.

Siddharth sighed and looked at me with an unbelievable expression and said,

'I don't have any words to say here, but I would say what you're asking me is completely stupid and not to forget illegal.'

Now what should I say, he is completely logical at his stance but, how do I make myself sound logical. I looked at him with the most innocent look I could muster and said,

'I know Siddharth it's illegal, but think of it as a human, If you let me meet Manik, probably I can save his life from staying in jail, which I believe isn't the right place he should be.'

'How can you say the jail isn't the right place for him. How much do you know him? Or you know him so much that you're just hiding something from me.' He muttered the last sentence with a questionable look.

'Why would I hide something from you Siddharth? You probably know more than me about his case. You're an insider not me. Tell me seriously, Do you believe that Dr Manik Malhotra is a criminal who deserves to be in jail?' I asked with a determined look thinking perhaps if not meeting Manik, I can get something out of him. After all he works there, there has to be something he knows which can be more than what I know from the tabloids.

'Obviously, he deserves to be in jail, Do you think our system is this weak that we would put anyone innocent behind the bars.' he said and I almost lost this conversation but then,
I noticed the unsure look in his eyes. Should I push him more?

God, Why am I fighting this battle for him? He doesn't even know that I'm here negotiating to meet him. There, in that cell, he would be busy sketching something. Will he be sketching my face? I've met him so many times. But, why would he? For him, I'm just a nobody. I looked around and taking a deep breath, I muttered to myself, 'One last try'

'Did you say something?' Siddharth asked with keen eyes.

'I'll ask you again, Do you believe he deserves to be in jail Siddharth.' I asked while saying his name maintaining an eye contact with him. I've heard, if you use the person's name while talking, it becomes difficult for him to lie or avoid the situation.

'How does it matter? I'm a mere employee there. I just look after finances and sometimes check the cells. Its not my duty to know if the person is actually a criminal or not.' He said and now I know I got this.

'I'm just asking your opinion Siddharth.' I said with a smile.

'What will you do if you find him innocent?' He asked again being the most logical and I again have nothing to say. Having a diplomatic conversation with nothing on your side gets so difficult.

'Baby steps Siddharth. Please let me see him and talk to him.' I said in the hope he'll agree because I can see him melting.

'But how can I? There're cameras everywhere.' He said. Now you've to stop being smart. There're always loopholes and for this one question I came in prepared.

'The same way, I stayed for a night in his cell and no one got know whereas cameras should be recording me while leaving in the morning.' I said with a smirk and he chuckled and that moment I sent my prayers hoping him to not have something logical for this as well.

'You surely are smart Nandini but once, I'll let you meet him once, talk whatever and get done with this fetish of yours.' He said in a serious tone.

Finally I sighed and thanked god.

'Ahh Thanks so much Siddharth!' I said and he nodded.

'And this is not a fetish.' I said and he just chuckled mumbling a 'sure.'

We had our coffees in silence while I pondered over what conversation I'll be having with Manik which is the most dreaded part. He'll surely flip and tell me to get lost saying I'm just being so nosy.

'Next week' Siddharth said and I raised my brow.

'Next week, Monday you can meet him. There'll be less staff. I'll call you to inform a night before.' He said and left collecting his keys and sunglasses from the table.

And I just sat there thinking where am I going? Suddenly I want to go back to the day I first met Manik and scold Navya for taking me to the jail.
But then, what if I wouldn't have met Manik.

'Then you would have been having this coffee with Maddy instead of Siddharth.' My subconscious mocked me and I left after knowing that Siddharth made the payment.

There are still gentlemen on this planet. I thought.

Author's Note:

Hey guys! Hope you all are safe and doing well!
And now you can welcome me by throwing tomatoes my way.
I know I'm the most inconsistent writer I ever. I apologise for being that way.

First I want to thank my two very sweet readers, @ashusingh678 @zainab-astic
for giving me the motivation to write. Because believe me, people reading my novel is the only motivation that matters.

Okay too much about me.

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How do you expect Manik and Nandini meeting to go this time?

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