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Sipping the orange juice I looked from Navya to Cabir back and forth. Cabir has been standing in the same position since last twenty minutes completely silent.

Apparently, Navya said she's exhausted with the whole scenario and so needs some immunity to listen whatever Cabir wants to say.

So, basically she left me and cabir in her room to get orange juice and here I was sitting contemplating I should initiate conversation or not. While I was analysing the pros and cons of initiating the conversation with him, he said,

'I didn't want to break her heart.'

'Well the right person who should get this explanation is Navya.' I shrugged and replied.

'Will she listen?' he asked. Obviously she'll. That's why he's still in his room. I know Navya. She can throw some tantrums but won't take decisions in haste but I didn't say anything and looked around.

He made my best friend cry. Let him fret for sometime.

Navya came back with two glasses of orange juices and pop corn in the bowl. How can she be so chilled out after crying her eyes out a few minutes back, she only knows.

And, as I said now I'm savoring this orange juice pondering over Manik's involvement in all this. For a split moment I can see his smiling face, eyes as if always scrutinizing something, the way his eyebrows fills up his glabella when he weighs his words before saying anything. If he weighs his words like this, he must think of his actions in the same way too, I just can't make up my mind that he can think of illegal ways to escape from the prison.

But then, he did something illegal, that's why he's inside the prison in the first place. I don't know why I'm not ready to accept this or probably it is the lawyer in me just asking for proofs and explanations.

This feeling to not know about something I want to know about is just so unsettling. I looked towards Navya in anticipation. I want Cabir to explain everything. He's the only one who knows about Manik.

Navya kept the glass on the bedside table after finishing the juice and said,

"You got five minutes to explain yourself"

Cabir nodded and started explaining,

"The first day I met you, that was all planned, I initiated the conversation because I wanted Manik out of jail anyhow. I guessed you would be having fascination for art since you're studying fashion design. So I asked Manik to draw a sketch of you. I told him that I really love you and want to impress you. It took me two months to get the sketch done. We're allowed to meet him just once a month but you have privileges. See, how many times you both met him just in a week time.

But Navya, trust me, after our first date, I realised I've started falling for you, when you opened up to me about your past, I felt it as my responsibility to protect your heart from getting broken. It wasn't just in a spur of moment, I was enjoying our conversations since the beginning but probably I was in denial. Honestly, it was totally unexpected of me to fall for you, because I had complete focus on my plan, but now I want to stay. The place where you're in my heart is completely foreign to me. And it's necessary for you to stay there to guide me, to walk beside me always."

He finished and exhaled heavily looking at Navya with some hope.

"So you mean to say, you fell in love with me all of a sudden and now you want me to continue a relationship with you. How can I not think that you're bluffing here?" Navya replied with a straight face. Though whatever he said kind off melted my heart but still he's a stranger whose brother is in prison.

"It wasn't all of a sudden. There has been something since the beginning. I just took some time to realize." Cabir said and Navya huffed.

"Trust me Navya, I don't expect anything apart from you to give me a chance right now. I won't even think of doing something that can put you at risk. I love you." He said trying to convey his message through his eyes but Navya was looking everywhere but him.

And here, I want to get out of this room and stay here as well. I want to know about Manik but I don't want to look like a barrier in their conversation.

"Cabir, you need to leave." Navya said out of the blue.

"What?" He asked.

"You gave your explanation. I still don't trust you. Just leave." She said.

"Navya, listen to me once, I'm not asking you to date me now but we can start friendship. Like we can forget everything and behave like we just met" Cabir looked at her still having some hope in his eyes.

"CABIR LEAVE" Navya stood up and screamed on the top of her voice. Her face was void of any emotions and U can't comprehend what she is thinking.

Honestly I think that he deserves a chance. Who puts such efforts? The song, card, bouquet and probably things I don't even know. So I said,

"Navya, let's give him a chance"

"Seriously Nandini, you're saying this" Well don't kill me but yes I'm.

"Navya I'm not asking you to get married to him." I said and Cabir coughed.

"Okay listen, at least his efforts deserve something, if not friend he can be an acquaintance." I suggested.

"Yes an acquaintance, I can be someone you know" Cabir picked up from there.

"If you still don't fall for me, I'll leave from your life, but if you felt even a bit for me ever. Then just one chance is what I'm asking for."

"Okay, but you've to promise me it's only about us here and not about Manik or anyone else." Navya said.

"Yes yes, I promise, it is and it will be only about us." Cabir promised.

They were still looking at each other and I silently left from there.


Laying on by bed, analysing today's incidents, I'm getting more and more curious about Manik every minute. I searched again on internet about him. But there's nothing specific I can get here.
I can't even ask Cabir now, because that won't go well with Navya.
Visiting him in the prison is also not an option anymore.
Slowly I dozed off thinking aboyt finding a way for knowing about him.


Author's Note

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