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Nandini's Pov:

Both of us, Navya and me moved out of the jail satisfied with our choice of gift for Maddy. Well, you might be thinking what kind of gift we can find for Maddy in a jail. No, there's no long lost uncle or cousin of Maddy who happens to be a criminal amd we're thinking of bailing him out for Maddy's sake. Trust me that was the first thing that crossed my mind as soon as Navya stopped the car in front of jail. I mean what else do we find in jail except criminals but we surely can find cute criminals right. Oh I've to tell you this entire story for how criminals turned cute. Then what are we waiting for? Lets get to the flashback.

An hour before:

"Okay, here we're" Navya said as soon as the car came to halt. I turned my face to look around for a gift shop but there're none. I followed Navya's gaze and saw jail.
"What gifts do we find in jail Navya" I asked with a confused face.
"Well you'll find it soon" she said with an enthusiastic voice. God knows what she's upto. She stepped out of the car and started walking towards the big gate and I ran behind her.
"Navya, If this is some prank you're playing, then stop already. We don't have time for this." I said walking beside her but she just ignored me and walked and started saying something to the gaurds and he led us inside. Of course he will. Navya's father is the prison governer. I followed her silently inside.

"What's going in that pretty head of yours, Navya?" I whispered in as low volume as I could as we were following the guard who taking us somewhere, probably to her father. She gave me a look which said you'll  get to know very soon and we reached to a cabin and I saw her father talking to some official.

We sat down on the couch beside table and the guard who led us till here left. I was taking in to the surroundings since this is the place I'll have my most of my visits in future when I become a full fledged lawyer but this place surely doesn't give any positive vibes.
"When did jails start giving positive vibes." my inner conscience mocked me. Obviously.
"What are you doing here, Navya" I was brought back to reality with uncle's voice. We both stood up and Navya went near her father.

"I was missing you daddy" Navya said in a dramatic way hugging her father.
"You just saw me in the morning and when I said to have breakfast with me, you just left off saying you're late for god knows where and now you say that you were missing me."
"Uncle, I was the one who called her in the morning." I interrupted making my presence noticeable, probably he didn't notice me because of this pillar kind of thing beside me and he is standing diagonal to that pillar.
"Why're you hiding behind the pillar Nandini, and how was your tour?" He questioned.
"I was not hiding, the pillar happened to be there and the tour was amazing" I said which made them giggle I don't know why.
"Anyways I'm here for something important" Navya interrupted and we looked in her direction.
"Dad, you were telling me about that criminal who sketches well, right?" she said.
"Yeah, what about him?" Uncle asked
"Okay, I needed some help in my designing sketches, so can he help since this is an assignment, so the teacher is not really ready to help." she said in one go avoiding both of our eyes. Is she going to design a suit or something for Maddy? Well we could've bought that from a store. Ain't this just too cheesy? Getting your best friend design a suit for your boyfriend. She could've just asked me first. I looked at her with an irritated face but she didn't even pay any heed.
"Okay then I'll get someone to take you people to him since I've to leave for somewhere else. Wait here for 10 minutes, Siddharth is the officer working under me. He will lead you both to him. Behave nicely" he said and went away hugging both of us one by one.
I waited for him to leave and then said,
"Are you insane Navya, you got me to jail to design a suit with the help of a criminal"
"Who told you this" She asked me with an annoyed face.
"What is in this to tell? Thats why we are here, right?" I asked.
"Oh no, Nandini, why do you even try to use your brains when you don't have any" she said and fell on the couch beside table laughing her ass off.
"Will you tell me everything already?" I asked crossing my arms with a scowl planted on my face.
"Okay listen, first of all, don't call him a criminal, he is a doctor by profession, he just happens to be in jail due to a few circumstances otherwise he is a good person. And we are here to get a sketch of Maddy drawn by him as a birthday gift." She explained.
"Ohhhh like thaat... " I said. Couldn't she tell all this to me before.
"Sketch is a nice idea, but can't we get a sketch made from an art shop maybe." I asked to which she replied with a smirk on her face.
"Obviously we can, but Nandini believe me, he is very good at drawing sketches. I mean Dad had moved his sketches to the annual exhibition centre last month and he was praised a lot and this is for the first time in Midcross that a criminal is getting praised for his art. Also, I was curious to meet this guy in person." She explained the whole thing to me.
"Oh, so the main topic is you're curious to meeet The Sketch Artist." I said smirking. Our conversation was disturbing with a knock on door. There was an officer in his late twenties on the door.
"Sir sent me to take you both to Dr Manik." he said.
"Who Dr Manik? "I asked confusingly though I liked this name. Manik, sounds good.
"Stupid, he is The Sketch Artist." Navya told me hitting the back of my head lightly and we headed outside. He took us towards the cells painted in the lightest shade of blue and after a few twist and turns, stopped in front  of a cell which was just similar to all. There was a glass on the door so that prison officials can see the prisoner from outside. We could see someone's back from that glass. Siddarth opened the door and asked from outside,
"There are two visitors to see you, shall I send them inside." he asked.
"Are they allowed to come inside?" a very calm voice asked from inside. Obviously people are not allowed to go inside cells to meet people. But the daughter of prison governor and her best friend are. Lmao
"Yes they're" he replied.
"Okay" came the answer.
"You people have 30 minutes" Siddharth told us.
We went inside and Siddharth locked the door from outside as the norms of the prison.

Author's note
Hey guys, hope you loved the chapter. Suggestions are most welcomed.
Inline comments are love.

Manan FF: The Sketch ArtistWhere stories live. Discover now