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Manik is taken to the executing jail and the chief  has given the death warrant for the superintendent to give the final notice of execution.


It must be around six in morning when I was assisted to the bathroom with a set of new off white garments. I was aware of the procedure altogether by now. One of the few things I asked for after my art pieces were put for the exhibition was a manual. A book that explained the days in the life of the prisoner who's to be executed. 

It was nothing special. What can you expect anyone to provide to a criminal? But every page that I read of that book left me anxious. Perhaps it's because of the fact that somewhere down the line I saw myself being here.

The book mentioned things like, the prisoner's next of kin are informed. Legal documents including assets and property are signed. No one really appeared from my side though. The convict is offered with the meal of his choice a day before. I wasn't even thinking straight when they asked what do I want for the dinner yesterday. Not getting any response from me, they provided me with as proper meal as they could.

You are provided with a set of fresh clothes and allowed to clean yourself. And it's over. You're taken to where you would never want to be.

Till now, I've tried to put a brave facade everyday, be it trials, or in front of Cabir, or when chief suggested me to get a lawyer, or day before yesterday when Nandini left the cell without any words.. But right now, I'm having second thoughts when I'm not even allowed to any kind of thoughts. What if I asked for a lawyer in the first place? If not first, then second or third. There were a number of times when Cabir asked me to have a lawyer. Or I should've told Nandini everything. Isn't it better to be judged by someone to be a coward than executed?

Honestly, I've felt this a million times to scream it to everyone out there that I'm not some murderer but I never knew then what? It always looked as if its too late to step up. But today it's actually too late to say anything when there is someone waiting out there to read my death sentence in next one hour.

I stepped out of the bathroom in the fresh clothes thinking if I should at least tell someone that I'm not guilty of anything. The decision to hang me down won't change but at least I'll not die a criminal then.

The person outside started pulling my chains to wherever I'm supposed to be and my words didn't even try to come out of my mouth anymore. When did I get this much of a coward?

After crossing some distance I realised I was pulled back near the sweatbox. 

Author's POV:

The superintendent typed the prisoner's number in his system but had to double check data presented in front of him.

"Where is this number 79b right now?" He asked to the chief sitting in front of him.

"Must be asked to clean himself. The sweatbox arrived a few minutes back. Is there a problem?" Chief replied while he straightened up bit placing his one arm on table.

Superintendent nodded lightly with crease lines not leaving his forehead. 

"I don't understand that how can such a grave mistake happen under your supervision, chief." He  muttered.

"Care to elaborate." Chief questioned with all the Manik's hearings that he has attended going on in his head.

"There are six executions in row before 79b." He said while turning the laptop around so that the chief could have a look himself. 

Chief checked with an unbelievable look while casting a glance at the superintendent sitting in front of him and immediately asked Siddharth to get his laptop from his car.

"This can't be possible. There has to be some issue." He said and superintendent nodded while reloading the website once. 

Siddharth entered with laptop and opened it on the desk. Chief opened the link from his recents and entered the serial number. The results left him appalled on his own mistake. He leaned on his chair shutting his eyes for a moment. 

"I don't know how this can be happened." he breathed.

"The six remaining are also from prisons in your supervision, chief. What do we do now?" The superintendent asked further looking for a solution.

"Give me three days Walter. I'll get back to you with the dates for these six." Chief answered while standing up. 

Turning to Siddharth he said,

"Take Manik back with you, We can't turn against nature in things as crucial as death."

Siddharth nodded with astonishment clear on his face and left the cabin. 


I turned to the person holding my chains when he directed to sit back in the sweatbox. 

"Can't say a lot but your execution date has been postponed." He said curtly.

As soon as I got myself seated and the vehicle made noise indicating it's departure from the place I dreaded the most, I prayed to god for one more miracle today.

One more miracle that didn't end me to the jail and I'll fight all my battles with the head held high. I promise you God.

But things aren't that easy. You can't expect everything to be according to your comfort zone. A voice inside me mocked which made me cross question myself.

Does god want me to have a slow and painful death? For all I know, my coming days in the cell will be more awful than before when I'll be dreading this place again. The place I just got saved from.

I don't know what should I do anymore. All these thoughts started causing havoc in my brain and I was no longer able to breath inside the stingy sweatbox compartment. I tried to speak for help but voice ceased in my mouth. I made an effort for my hand to knock the door of the compartment but both my hands kept hanging to my sides as if their connection with my brain is lost somewhere. While trying to breathe by opening and closing my jaws, I turned aside and crashed my whole body from its right side to the door of the compartment. 

Falling down from seat I got stuck in the insignificant gap between the door of the compartment and seat while chains played the role tangling me in a position I can never get out of. I tried getting up in the hopes to break that small window which was dirty enough to make the scenery outside to look as coming out of an old tattered photograph. I was in the process of standing halfway but it was as if god has planned my end this way. The sweat box took a sharp turn hitting my head to the door handle. A crash sound echoed in my ear and confusingly, it seemed as if I've found by relaxation point. I don't know if I was breathing anymore or not but I closed my eyes and sighed accepting my fortune.

Author's Note

Okay, I know, I procrastinate a lot but I hope you like the chapter and to make it up for the delay, I'm uploading two chapters at a time.

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Lots of love

Manan FF: The Sketch ArtistWhere stories live. Discover now