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I woke up due to the continuous banging on my bedroom door. Looking towards the curtains, I can say it's not that late morning. I stood up and opened the door. It was Navya. Obviously she would be mad at me since I left her romancing yesterday. Note the sarcasm.

Leaving the door ajar, I moved towards the bathroom for my morning chores saying in an uninterested tone,

'Congratulations on your rebound slash new found romance'

I brushed my teeth and got into the shower.

As I got out of the bathroom, Navya was already sitting there fiddling with her phone while my clothes were out of my wardrobe matched with the accessories. What is she? My boyfriend never did this for me.


Shit, I didn't even had a conversation with Maddy after his birthday except the daily Good morning, Good night texts.

I took my phone from my the side table, and here I'm greeted with his good morning text only.

Instead of replying his text, I called him right away. He received before the second ring.


'Good morning miss, you got time for me'

'Really sorry Maddy, I just got a little occupied with something'

'Or rather someone?'

Now how does he know about Manik? I didn't tell this to anyone yet.

'I got to know from Navya today morning only that you were busy with her'
Ohkaaay. Its not about Manik. Obviously, stupid of me to think that there is any other person who must be thinking about Manik as much as me. God, make me forget this name na, please.

'Okay Nandini, see you in the evening. Right now, I'm driving to the office.'
He hanged up on me without even telling me where he'll see me in the evening. Amazing.

I took my clothes and went to the dressing room. Slipping into my jeans. I wore the mauve shaded camisole Navya chose for me. Applying the liner with a shade of nude lipstick I went outside and asked

'When did you talk with Maddy and exactly what did you tell him?' 

'Woah Woah, till now you didn't say a single thing and as soon as you open your mouth, it's you questioning me. How nice of you?' Navya said in her as always dramatic tone.

'What do you expect then?' I asked.

'Listen to me loud and clear miss, I didn't say anything till now, being the nice person that I'm because I was giving you your morning me-time, but now as I can see you are good to go, first of all tell, why did you leave as soon as I accepted Cabir's apology?' She said while she sat on the bed Indian style.  

'Obviously I wouldn't wait there waiting for you guys to lock lips after you have reconciled' I said while I sat on the bean bag opposite to her.

'Yeah sure, if you would have heard the context of the conversation. let me remind we didn't start dating right away. I just gave him a chance to become my friend.' She said

'What do you expect me do then when you guys were literally lost in each other's eyes? Tell me?' I asked.

'Cough, that's what you do to stop things Nandini, Do I have to teach you this as well?' She said throwing daggers at me as if I did a felony or something. 

'But why would I do that, why would I want to stop things between you two?' I asked completely annoyed. I don't know why are we even having this conversation in the morning instead to having breakfast.

'Seriously Nandini, there is a thing called slowing things down which is your responsibility to do as my best friend without making things awkward.' She said as if she is teaching an eight year old and sighed. Yeah whatever.

'Anyway, what happened after I left?' I asked in an attempt to divert this stupid topic off her mind.

'Nothing we stood awkwardly for few minutes, after he asked to meet today, I agreed, but he very humorously tried to make it a date, So I made it a double date instead. So you are also accompanying.' She explained. Me. Once more I've to be a third wheel. Why god why?

'Me, but with whom?' I asked, obviously Maddy would be busy in office.

'Maddy, who else? I asked him before reaching here and is there a time when he would deny to spend time with you?' She told me, so this is why Maddy said to see me in the evening. Super Amazing.  Congratulations boyfriend, you have also signed to be a third wheel. But why would two people be third wheel. We are also dating, that too from long. Oh Nandini, you need something to eat.

'If you are done with this, can we eat something. We could have anyway discussed this while eating breakfast' She said.

'Yeah sure, if I was given a chance to speak.' I said while I stood up and left.

'What, I don't give you a chance to speak.' She said or more like questioned herself following me. Someone tell her dominant self what she actually is.

'So the plan is to do some shopping for our dates tonight and we are leaving after we are done eating.' She said while gobbling the chocolate pancakes. Why does she need to shop for everything. I mean its a date only.

'I have clothes. I am not going for shopping.' I replied.

'Ma'am you don't care how you are looking for a date because your boyfriend has probably seen you even when you were wearing a loose t-shirt and sneezing in cold, but that's not the case here. So we are going and its decided.' She declared.

'What, you mean, you are staying with Cabir for dates only, don't tell me you are planning some friends with benefits stuff with him. What have you planned for the night, tell me?' I said teasingly and she kept eating the pancakes. 

'Why, you want some ideas for the night with Maddy?' she said and I coughed. Damn I shouldn't have said anything.

'If you are done, we can leave for shopping.' she stated indifferently. huh


After trying numerous dresses, Navya selected on one, while me, I just picked the first one I saw. Let's just say, that dress is actually the best and Navya too loved that one.

Now we are sitting here in food court waiting for our lunch to be served at almost four in the evening after which we have to rush at our homes to dress up and the mall is like an hour away from home. So basically we are very short on time as of now.


Author's Note

Hey guys, How are you doing? Hope you remember me and the storyline.

I am sorry for being away for this long. Honestly, I have been so much stuck with my mid terms and classes being on online mode actually sucks, that I couldn't manage time for writing. 

Thanks @Zema302 for reminding me otherwise I would have been just thinking and procrastinating till now being the lazy person I'm.

How did you guys loved the chapter?

Any expectations from the double date?

Anybody missing Manik? I sure am.

Any expectations from the next chapter?

Do you think Navya should go on a date with Cabir?

Do you think Nandini should be thinking about Manik?

Do like and share, waiting for your comments.

Much love


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