fourteen • planning

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with the twins distracted, derek picked up cora and the four of us began running down to the garage. we moved fast, hoping to get there in time, and before one of the other alphas could catch up to us. we pushed through a set of double doors, seeing the ambulance parked where scotts mom said it would be.

"it's still here!" stiles exclaimed, holding the door open for derek to walk through. we quickly rushed to the vehicle, stiles and i pulling open the back doors as jennifer ran to the front. derek and stiles pulled cora up and onto the stretcher placed in the middle of the back of the ambulance.

"derek, over here," jennifer called out, grabbing the wolfs attention. he slowly walked around the side, leaving stiles and i with cora. we got her settled, helping her lay flat and hopinh she was comfortable.


my body stiffened, hearing the sound of a women's voice call out. stiles and i looked at each other with wide eyes, his face fearful as he heard the voice. i could only assume this was kali, one of the members of the alpha pack, and also the only girl in the pack. the way she sang the name gave me chills, also leading myself to question something.

who the hell is julia?

the sound of keys jingling through the air is all it took for stiles and i nod to each other, glancing at the doors before pulling them closed slowly and quietly. there was no doubt that we were now screwed by her entrance. a loud growl was heard from outside the ambulance and i looked out the window on the door, my eyes wide as i watched jennifer and derek run back into the hospital.

"oh, my god," i mumbled, my eyes following as another women ran after them.

"did they just leave us here for dead?" stiles questioned, looking to me with wide eyes before looking down at cora.

i nodded my head slowly. "i think so." 

"okay, we're okay," he muttered, backing up and sitting next to cora.

"i have to go back out there." i breathed out, my eyes moving from the set of doors and over to stiles.

my next plan was to help ms mccall. she was still with deucalion and i knew scott would be too busy with the twins, someone had to help her. deucalion is an alpha werewolf and i probably had a bigger chance of dying then actually helping, but i couldn't just sit here and wait.

"what? are you insane?" he rushed out, staring at me in shock and disbeief.

i shrugged. "maybe a little bit, but someone has to go help scotts mom. she's out there still with deucalion, someone needs to help her!" i exclaimed.

"then i'm coming with you," he spoke up, rising from his seat.

"no! you need to stay here and wait. wait with cora." i rushed out, placing my hand over the door handle.

"there is no way in hell i am letting you go out there on your own, olivia," he replied, shaking his head at me, his voice coming out stern. i let out a short laugh, shaking my head before i pushed open the doors.

"you can't stop me, stiles," i replied. "just stay here with cora," i added, removing my sweatshirt and throwing it inside by his feet. he looked down at it, moving his attention away from me and i took this as my chance.

i ran back into the hospital, my heart hammering in my chest. i pushed down the feeling of anxiety running through my body and the thoughts that my plan was probably a very bad one. i was only human, deucalion and the twins and kali were all alpha werewolves and they could probably kill me with one punch, to be honest. probably even a simple flick. i had been in my fair share of fights, winning at least ninety percent of them, but these were alpha werewolves i could  be going up against. i was terrified of coming face to face with any of them, but i had to do something. i had try.

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