one • fresh start

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"oh, my god, mom! i'll be fine," i exclaimed, turning to my mom in the drivers seat.

"i'm just worried about you," she replied, letting out a sigh.

"i think out of the two of your kids, you should be more worried about your son." i mumbled, glancing behind me at my younger brother. the boy rolled his eyes before glaring at me.

"shut up and get out of the car or you'll make me late," liam replied.

"somebody woke up on the wrong side of bed today," i said quietly, rolling my eyes. liam huffed, looking back down at his phone.

"okay, enough you two," my mom spoke up, "text me if something goes wrong, okay?"

"yes, mom." i replied, grabbing my bag off the floor. i leaned over, pressing a soft kiss to her cheek before getting out of her car. "i'll see you later."

"okay, honey. have fun!" she exclaimed. i smiled in response, closing the door before turning and facing my new school.

it was my first day and i was slightly nervous. i had previously attended devenford preparatory academy, but my mom decided it would be better for me to attend beacon hills high school instead. my time at devenford was mostly rough patches, i had gotten into quite a few fights and i didn't have a big friend group like most people. my mom pulled me out of davenford because she said i was surrounding myself with bad influences, which was only partly true. at davenford i was known for hanging around the 'bad' kids, the ones who didn't exactly follow the rules, but they were really only being noticed for the wrong things they did instead of any of the good. i had a few friends who were straight A students and always followed their parents rules and listened to what they were told, but that was only marla, kiara and chris. my mom loved them, so did my step-dad.

i took a deep breathe, shaking away my thoughts of devenford. beacon hills high was my new start, a way to forget all that had happened at my old school. i was determined to do just that.

i made my way up the front steps, ignoring the looks of the students around me. it was fairly obvious i was a new kid. i made my way through the halls, looking for the front office. once i had found it, i was introduced to the principal, who then gave me my schedule and sent me on my way.

i let out a sigh, looking at my first class of the day. english. great. it was one of my least favourite subjects, but i needed it if i wanted to eventually graduate. and to my luck, i was somehow really good at it. i had gotten to school 15 minutes early, which gave me enough time to wander the halls in search of my locker and some time to find my classes as well.

"oh, god," i mumbled, my eyes widening as i bumped into somebody. i was so busy examining the paper in my hand and the locker numbers beside me, i didn't even realize someone walking the other way right towards me.

"i'm so sorry!" a familiar voice filled my ears and i looked up in slight shock. my eyes soon landed on the boy i had met over the summer. his hair was slightly longer since i had seen him last, a green and white flannel hung over his shoulders with a dark green shirt under it which he had paired with some beige khakis.

"stiles?" i questioned, furrowing my eyebrows at the boy. "we have to got to stop meeting like this," i joked, a soft laugh escaping my lips.

"oh, my god! olivia? since when did you go here?" he asked, a smile forming on his face.

"uh, today is my first day." i replied. "i didn't know you went here?"

"i guess we never really covered the topic of school, huh?" he questioned, a short laugh escaping his lips. i smiled, shaking my head.

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