twenty-four • interrogation

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after the police had shown up, we were all brought down the station. i sat between scott and stiles on the couch in sheriff stilinskis office, my leg bouncing rapidly out of nervousness. agent mccall stood before us, shooting multiple questions our way. luckily, scott and stiles answered most of them and i barely even had to speak.

"so, when did you get there?" he asked, looking to stiles.

"at the same time," stiles replied.

"at the same time as who?" mccall questioned, leaning back against stilinskis desk.

"same time as me," scott spoke up.

"by coincidence?" mccall asked, his eyebrows raising in question.

"what do you mean 'coincidence'?" stiles questioned.

"thats what i'm asking. the two of you arrive at the same time, was that a coincidence?" mccall asked, growing frustrated with the teens in front of him.

"are you asking me?" scott questioned, looking to his dad in confusion.

"i think he's asking me," stiles replied, slouching down in the couch and placing his arm over the back of it.

"i think he's asking the both of you," lydia cut in,
sending a glare in their direction.

"okay, let me answer the questions," mccall interrupted. my eyebrows knitted together, staring at the fbi agent in confusion. he sighed, correcting, "let me ask the questions. just so i have this absolutely clear. barrow was hiding in the chemistry closet at the school, someone left him a coded message on the blackboard telling him to kill kira, then, barrow took kira to a power substation and tied her up with the intent of electrocuting her, which blacked out the entire town."

"sounds about right," stiles nodded, his shoulders moving up and down in response.

"how'd you know he'd take her to a power substation?" mccall inquired. my eyes widened slightly, shit. we had been caught.

"well," stiles started, scratching behind his ear nervously. "cause he was an electrical engineer, so where else would he take her?"

"that's one hell of a deduction there, stiles," mccall commented.

"well, what can i say? i take after my pops," stiles explained, sending his dad a wink and pointing to him. "he's in law enforcement."

stilinski is unable to hide his laugh behind his fist, mccall turning and shooting the sheriff a glare. stilinski cleared his throat, waving it off.

"stiles, just answer the man."

"we made a good guess," stiles replied, playing with his fingers.

"what were the two of you doing?" mccall asked, his eyes moving to scott and kira.

"eating sushi," kira explained while scott spoke, "eating pizza." the two looked at each other with wide eyes. "eating pizza," kira corrected while scott voiced, "eating sushi."

i let out a sigh, rubbing at my temple.

"eating sushi and pizza," the two spoke simultaneously, correcting themselves.

mccall's expression turned into one of frustration, turning to look at stklinski as he asked, "do you believe this?"

"to be honest," the sheriff sighed. "i haven't believed a word stiles has said since he learned how to speak. but i think these kids found themselves at the right place at the right time and that girl sitting there," he addded, gesturing to kira. "is very lucky for it."

the chaos rising • stiles stilinski [1]Where stories live. Discover now