nine • missing

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"it's funny how everytime mom is able to drive us to school, you somehow manage to make us late," i commented, walking out the front door and over to the car with liam behind me.

"yeah, because i'm the one who spends 10 minutes in the washroom," he replied, rolling his eyes. he made it to the car before me, grabbing the passenger door

"yeah, no, that's funny," i said, shoving him away from the door. "you're too young to sit in the front."

"haha," he replied sarcastically, rolling his eyes and getting into the backseat. i smiled, knowing i had won and slid into the passenger seat.

"don't be mad, kid," i replied, glancing back at him as my mom rolled her eyes at the two of us.

"do you two ever get along?" she questioned, starting the drive to school.

"sometimes," i replied, shrugging as i applied lip balm to my lips.

i glanced at liam through the mirror, a feeling of guilt residing in my stomach. once upon a time, liam and i were very close and we had told each other everything. when i started attending beacon hills high that seemed to change, when i found out about the supernatural i could feel a slight drift between the two of us. every time i looked at him i just wanted to tell him every thing i had found out, the truth about the sudden disappearances, the truth about everything. but i had to hold myself back, revealing him to the supernatural could potentially put him at risk and there was no way i was doing that to my little brother.

"mom, you have to drop me off first," liam said, looking up from his phone and bringing me out of my thoughts.

"what? no! i need to be dropped off first, i have bigger priorities, and my first class is chemistry today." i said, eyes wide as i turned to my mom.

"so? i have to meet with coach," liam defended.

"mom, i cannot be late to chemistry," i cried out, pleading with her.

"sorry, liam, i was already on the way to olivias school first," my mom replied with a sigh. liam let out a groan of frustration, glaring at me as i smiled in triumph.

"of course, olivia always gets what she wants," liam snapped, shaking his head. a frown made its way onto my lips as i glanced back at him. he glared at me and turned away, looking out the window.

my mom sighed. "liam-"

"it's whatever." he snapped, my mom sighing as she knew not to push him when he's angry. a sigh escaped my own lips and i turned back around in my seat, looking at the building as it came into view.

"have a good day, sweetheart," my mom said, turning to me with soft eyes as she pulled up out front. i smiled, nodding my head and getting out.

"you too, love you!" i called out, turning and rushing into the school. i walked past my locker, not having the time to stop by and rushed to my chemistry class.

mr. harris was still missing so he wouldn't be there, but you never know what type of supply teacher you're are going to get. and hey, maybe the chemistry teacher from hell had returned and none of us knew it yet. but i highly doubt that. harris had probably been used as a sacrifice by the dark druid.

i walked through the doorway, my eyes landing on scott and stiles. harris had sat scott and i together with stiles in front of us. i was quite shocked by the seating arrangement but none of us had complained. besides, when the chart was made, i didn't even know scott well. i was more surprised over the fact he put stiles and scott near each other.

"hey," i mumbled, sliding into my seat.

"you okay?" stiles asked, turning to face me with a look of concern. i let out a sigh, debating on whether i should tell them about what i had been feeling about liam. as i opened my mouth to reply, i'm cut off by the sound of a textbook hitting a desk. i looked up, my eyes meeting briefly with miss. blake's.

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