three • detention

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"yo, did you hear?" liam asked, walking down the stairs the next morning. i furrowed my eyebrows, looking away from the bottle of water on the counter.

"hear what, liam?"

"the cops found some dead bodies. both of them had been murdered, pretty brutally, too." my eyes widened, turning to look at liam. "oh, and you know those two students who went to your school that went missing over the summer? the girl was found dead but the guy was alive, he's back at school apparently."

"liam, what? why do you know that?"

"mason told me," he replied, shrugging. my mind immediately drifted to stiles. was one of them the friend he was talking about? the girl who had gone missing?

"you're like 2, you don't need to be hearing about murders," i said to him, grabbing the bottle off the counter and stuffing it into my bag. "mom said she'll drive you to school today."

"how are you getting to school?"

"my friend is driving me," i replied. liam looked at me with curiosity on his face. i rolled my eyes, brushing past him and to the front doo. "see you later! don't get into too many fights!"

"says you!" he called back. i shook my head, leaving the house and walking towards stiles' blue jeep parked out front. i climb into the passenger side, rubbing at my eyes as i do so.

"hey, we have to get scott too, is that alright?" he asked, looking over at me.

"yeah, of course," i replied, moving into the back seat. stiles smiles at me through the rear view mirror, watching as i pull my seatbelt across my body. he pulls away from my house, making his way to scotts. i let out a yawn, closing my eyes momentarily as they grow heavy.

"olivia!" i jumped in my seat, my eyes snapping open. i looked to stiles, my eyes wide as i met eyes with him. i hear a laugh on my right, causing me to turn my head and lock eyes with scott. my cheeks flush, feeling slightly embarrassed. did i really just fall asleep in the back seat of stiles' old ass jeep?

"sorry, what?" i asked, glancing between the two boys.

"someone's tired," stiles joked, a laugh escaping his lips before he turned back around in his seat and drove away from scotts house.

"i have a biology test today, i was up all night studying for it," i replied, rubbing my hand over my eyes once again in attempt to rub the sleep away. it wasn't really working.

"i know how that feels," scott replied.

"do you?" stiles asked, glancing at his best friend in the passenger seat.

"so, olivia, what made you move to beacon hills high?" scott asked, turning his head to look back at me.

"oh, uh, i just... uh," i stuttered, trying to think of an excuse. i couldn't tell him i had been basically kicked out because i got into too many fights at school, or because my mom didn't like my friends. "just wanted a new start, i guess?"

"oh... makes sense," scott replied, slightly hesitant. he shrugged, turning back around in his seat. i nodded, letting out a sigh of relief when he decides not to press the topic further.

when we arrived at school, i parted ways with the two boys and made my way to the library. stiles and scott needed to be here early for cross country, but stiles offered me a ride anyways. i had originally declined, telling him not to worry and he didn't need to go out of his way for me, but he had insisted, saying it was his way of apologizing for ignoring me the night before. even though i had told him many times it wasn't a big deal and i was over it, he still insisted. i had decided i would just head to the library before class started so i could get a bit more studying in before my biology class.

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