twelve • guardians

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the next sacrifices being made seemed to be philosophers, not guardians as we had originally thought. earlier today, mr wastover, our history teacher had gone missing. allison called around 2 minutes ago, letting us know that her, isaac and her dad had found him dead. scott and i were now on the phone with stiles, who was now at the hospital because cora had passed out, and making him aware of the situation.

"it's philosophers," scott explained, holding the phone between us. "allison and her father just found mr westover."

"that makes sense. tara, she wasn't always a cop, she used to teach middle school."

"then the last ones gonna be another teacher," i said, nodding my head as i looked to scott.

"yeah but there's dozens of them. they're all headed home," stiles replied, causing scott and i to turn and look down from our position on the second floor of the school. i looked over the balcony, watching as students, teachers, and parents all made their way inside.

"no, they're not," scott said, his voice slightly panicked. "they're all going to the recital."

the memorial concert that was being held for the students and teachers we have lost recently.

the both of us had felt obligated to go, well, scott did. i was practically forced by my mom to go and she basically made me tuck and roll out of the car when we made it to the school. we both made our way down the steps, walking into the schools auditorium. we took a look around, spotting an empty area near the back and we walked over to it.

"i thought you were going home?" scott questioned, looking at the strawberry blonde as she made her way up to stand next to me. i looked at the girl in confusion, remembering she had told me the same thing after finding mr westover's classroom empty and after screaming her lungs out, which was basically her way of knowing that he was going to die.

"i can't," she replied, looking over at me and then scott. "i don't know why i am the one who keeps finding the bodies, but maybe if i just stop trying to fight it, i'd find them before it happens. maybe with enough time for someone like you to do something about it."

"you give me the time, and i will do something about it. i swear to god, i will," scott promised her. lydia modded in response, silence falling over the three of us.

soon enough, graceful music was filling our ears as the choir begun to play. the sound of the door opening pulled my attention away from watching the stage. scott and i turned, watching as chris argent, allison, and isaac walked through the doors. allison sent a nod our way before following her dad to the other side of the room. i locked eyes with isaac, the boy sending me a small wink before following after allison.

"is something going on between allison and isaac? they spend a lot of time together," i muttered, turning to face scott. the boy turned his head, looking down at me.

"i'm not sure."

i nodded slowly, turning my head back around to face the choir and watch them. the many instruments being played all came together, creating a beautiful sound that chorused throughout the auditorium.

the feeling of a hand on my arm tore me away from watching the choir again. i looked to my right, seeing stiles stood beside me. i sent him a smile small, looking back at the students on stage. my eyes widened in sudden realization, turning back to stiles once again. i looked past him, noticing the absence of a certain strawberry blonde.

"wait, where's lydia?" i questioned, looking around the room in search of the girl.

"what?" stiles asked, looking down at me in confusion.

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