twenty-one • trap

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stiles, scott and i had decided that it was time we come up with a plan to help malia tate. not only did she almost use kira as a chew toy, but mr tate seemed to be on the hunt for blood. what he didn't know was that it was his own daughters blood he was out on the hunt for. we need to not only keep a father from murdering his own daughter, who had seemed to be running around the woods in the form of a coyote for the last 8 years, but we also have to turn said girl back into a girl again.

we all found ourselves circled around the examination table in the back room of the animal clinic. isaac had even joined along so that he didn't need to do homework, also so he wasn't as bored as he would've been. deaton entered the room, all four of us looking toward him.

"zylozine," he said, setting done three capsules of clear liquid. "it's a tranquilizer for horses. for a werecoyote, expected to work within seconds. i only have three, so whoever's shooting needs to be a damn good shot."

"allisons a perfect shot," scott pointed out.

"no, she used to be," i corrected, my mind flashing back to the day she almost shot an arrow right into my head.

"she can do it," scott assured.

"if we manage to find the thing," isaac pointed out, crossing his arms over his chest as he looked to scott.
i turned my head, looking at the boy next to me with wide eyes. isaac looked down at me, cocking his head to the side as he raised an eyebrow. "what?"

i opened my mouth to speak, but quickly got cut off by stiles, "what is the point of him?" he asked, pointing a finger in isaacs direction. "seriously, i mean, what is his purpose? aside from the persistent negativity, and the scarf! what's up with the scarf, anyway?" he asked, gesturing to the thick scarf hung loosely over isaacs shoulders. "it's sixty-five degrees out!"

my eyes widened further as i looked between stiles and isaac, waiting for isaac to respond to stiles. i turned back to stiles, my eyebrows knitting together over the sudden dislike stiles felt toward isaac lahey.

"look," isaac began, "maybe i'm asking the question here that no one wants to ask, alright, how do we turn a coyote back into a girl, when she hasn't been a girl for eight years?"

"i can do it," scott assured, his eyes rising from the table.

"you can?" stiles repeated, hope filling in his voice.

"you remember the night peter trapped us in the school?" he asked, looking at his best friend. "in the gym, he was able to make me turn just by using his voice. deucalion did the same thing in the distillery."

"this is a werecoyote, scott," deaton pointed out. "who knows if it'll even work if you can find someone who can teach you."

"that why you called derek first," stiles muttered in realization.

"yeah," scott breathed. "i can try it on my own, but right now i'm too scared to even change into a werewolf."

running a hand over his face, stiles let out a sigh. "we need a real alpha." scotts head snapped towards stiles, a look of disbelief on his face. "you know what i mean. an alpha who can do alpha things, you know? an alpha who can get it going, you know? get it-"

"up?" isaac cut in. my eyes widened as i turned to face him. now wasn't the time to be making dirty jokes.


"i'm an alpha with... performance issues." scott sighed, looking between us.

"is there anyone else besides derek who could help?" deaton asked, looking to scott.

"i wouldn't trust peter," isaac spoke up, voicing his opinion.

"from what i've heard, i wouldn't either," i muttered, looking to scott.

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