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           "isaac!" olivia yelled out, trying to get the boy to calm down.

olivia dunbar and isaac lahey found themselves locked in the small janitors closet, surrounded by darkness. isaac was pounding on the door, trying to get it open as he panicked. his breathing was laboured, his body filled with fear. olivia stood next to him, worried for the boy as she watched him panic.

suddenly, he had stopped banging on the door. his hands placed flat against the surface, head hung low as he took deep breaths. he had to calm down.

"isaac?" olivia repeated, stepping closer to him. he slowly turned his head, his eyes locked with hers. she placed her hand on his shoulder. his chest heaved up and down, the boy taking deep breaths.

"we need to get out." he turned his body around, pressing his back flat against the door and sliding onto the floor. olivia crouched down, her heart aching as she watched his eyes well up with tears.

she quickly moved forward, pressing her lips against his. it worked before, maybe it will again. he hesitated before his hand moved to cup the side of her cheek gently, his breathing slowing as he focused on the girl in front of him.

olivia expected to feel her stomach swarm with butterflies, for her heart rate to quicken. she expected to feel warm inside. she expected to feel something, anything. instead she felt nothing. she felt nothing but the sole feeling of isaac's lips against her own. she felt nothing but a longing wish for it to be somebody else, she just didn't know who. she just knew it wasn't right.

as olivia began to pull back, she heard the door fly open. without a second to react, the boy before he was ripped out of her grasp. she watched in horror as he was dragged away, down the dark hallway. isaac's eyes were wide, glowing a bright yellow as he disappeared, his body surrounded by the darkness completely.

"isaac!" olivia shrieked. "isaac!" she cried out.

olivia crawled backwards, her back hitting the shelving unit behind her. she let out a quiet groan at the feeling of her head slam into the metal bar. the door in front of her slammed shut, the sound echoing around the small room. she scrambled to her feet, moving to the door and gripping the handle.

"no," she said quietly, feeling the door stuck shut. "isaac!" she cried out, slamming her palm on the door. "scott?" she yelled, feeling tears well up in her eyes.

she let out a shaky breath as she spun around to eye the room again. the temperature in the closet had dropped, feeling a shiver running down her spin. she looked around the janitors closet, her eyebrows furrowing at the sight of it empty. all the shelves had disappeared, the mop in the corner was no longer there. the boxes the two had brought in earlier were gone as well.

movement in the corner of the room caught the girls attention. she slowly turned her attention towards it. there was a man sat on the ground, his head wrapped in gauze. he was wearing a brown leather jacket and light khaki pants. his hands were watched wrapped in the same covering as his head, a piece of white chalk held between his fingers.

the nogitsune.

he drew on the wall, the chalk screeching against the surface. olivia cringed at the sound, watching as his hand moved. he drew a backwards five. olivias eyes widened and she quickly turned around, struggling with the door again.

the chaos rising • stiles stilinski [1]Where stories live. Discover now