"No, please. Come in," he urged, not even looking back, but staring at me in the reflection.

"Okay," I muttered.

"So, missed me?" he asked with a chuckle.

"Let's just say you're presently my boredom killer," I shrugged.

"Good enough," he smiled and groaned a bit.

I couldn't help but notice all the scars on his body. His back in particular. They were so disturbing. I would only get that number of scars in a war. Nothing else.

They were all deep and thick and waved around his back with ease. Something in particular caught my eye. There were three large marks running across his back. They were scars, but the biggest of them all.

"Why the scars?" I asked in almost a whisper, as I teared up, my eyes not able to resist the pain behind the scars.

He finally turned to me.

"Hah!" I gasped, widening my eyes and placing my hands above my mouth in surprise.

He smiled.

There were scars upon scars and scars. Scars. scars. scars. All over his body. Why the heck! They looked so easy to be with but painful to glance out. My eyes watered.

"They're just scars," he shrugged.

"From what?" I asked, interested.

"Let's just say the past can be really painful at times. But I don't want to talk about it," he raised his shoulder in a half shrug and smiled. "But I hate them. Seriously, I do. They remind me of a very hurtful past, and I hate being hurt.
I'm getting rid of them, though. With this." he raised a jar filled with lotion.

"Oh. I see," I nodded.

What in this world would give a billionaire that much scars?

"Anyway, why - "

"Is it okay if I, you know, just have a close look?" I interrupted, standing up.

He nodded and I moved even closer, placing my hands on his bare chest and feeling the coarse and rough texture of the scars on his skin, his hair curled up under my fingers.

I looked up at him, my hands still on his chest.

There was this thing I felt. Like all anger and pain towards him was eased away. Yeah, I felt pity because of the scars but it was a feeling more than pity. Like, something much more.

"You look beautiful," he complimented, our bodies almost glued to each others.

"Thanks," I smiled and tried to get away as soon as I could.

"Please, stay," He pulled me back.

That got really awkward, fast. I had no intentions of playing around anymore or picking a fight, or having random battles or quarrels or word wars. It was just me and him and for the first time, it wasn't anger I felt anymore.

He looked down at me, my face, our eyes piercing into each others. My heart raced, knowing fully well it wasn't right. But I didn't care anymore.

He cupped my face in his palms and I swallowed a lump that came to my throat. I felt his hot breath against mine and his warm hand underneath my chin.

I felt a string of anxiety as he came closer, my body agreeing with the situation, and my head having no say in the moment.

Our noses mingled with each others for a while and I couldn't think of anything than him.

I totally lost it when our lips touched each others and I could feel the warmth of his breath against mine, our lips in control but our minds flown away.

I felt like it was a dream. It should've be a dream. Why were we doing it in the first place?

We both pulled away at the same time and stared at each other.

Finally, my brain arrived and I cut the stare, looking down at my curled toes.

"Um - " I started awkwardly.

"That was - " he continued.

"Awkward?" I asked.

He returned to applying the lotion smoothly on his back and his chest.

"I should leave," I said, moving away.

"Come on, now. Not yet," He pleaded.

I thought I was liking its. It was just so different and unrealistic and that was fun about it. For the first time, he was not being a total ass.

He was different. So, much than I expected.

Author's Note.


Hello to you all! Thank you so much for reading this chapter. It means a lot to me.

And, guys! This book secured the second place in the Wildwood award!! Thank you so much!

We're at 524 votes and 2.63k reads! Please tag your friends or share this book so we'll get to 3k reads in no time.

Don't forget to vote, and share your thoughts in the comment section below.

I'm currently working on my descriptions, so you're gonna be getting quite some clear views of the scenes. Please let me know how good i'm doing so far. Or bad...

Thank you so much once again and let's head to the next chapter!


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