Chapter Thirty Six

Mulai dari awal

"You haven't touched your food, princess!" I heard a voice snap me out of my fantasy.

"Princess Caden, snap out!" she yelled again and I stared angrily at her.

"I think you mean king!" I glared.

"Nope. Little princess," she chuckled in a cherry tone and continued munching on her food.

I just hissed and managed through breakfast, my head buzzing all around and going crazy.

Soon, we were done. Mostly because I couldn't stand her rants and flipped the table over, crashing the food on the floor.

We got into my car and I started the car and drove out of the house.

"I still don't think flipping that dining table was necessary but for an egotistical Caden like you, i'm sure its pretty normal. Can you learn to control your anger a bit? And seriously, please- "

"Can you shut the fuck up!" I yelled angrily.

"No, I cannot shut the fuck up, because - "

"Then suit yourself, talking teddy!" I yelled so loud and immediately increased my speed, crossing the legal speed limit.

"Ahhhhhhh!!" she kept screaming and I didn't care because she made me so mad. So, so mad. Like really crazy.

"You did not just do that!" she yelled angrily as I stopped the car in front of the hotel.

"Well, surprise! Bitch!" I glowered and came down from the car.

"I'm not into fast cars!" she yelled as she came down too and ran after me ,her boots informing the whole world about every step she took.

"And i'm not into screaming bitches!" I yelled back and gave her the finger.

"Caden! Wait up!" she kept yelling and I just couldn't stand her annoying voice anymore.

"Caden!" she yelled as we walked into the room and everyone turned at us.

"Sorry, everyone. My bad. Carry on," she voiced out awkwardly in the microphone and thank goodness I walked along.

No one saw I was with her.

We took our seat just where we did previously and I relaxed myself comfortably as the usual lady started the program.

"Why did you leave me back there? You made me look so ridiculous. You know what? You are so annoying. I'm out!" she snarled angrily and stood up.

I held her hand back.

"What are you doing?" she whispered with gritted teeth, turning back at me. Her hair flipping over as she did so and looking sexier than ever. I was insanely obsessed.

I pulled her back and yanked her butt on the seat with a smirk.

It seemed her butt was her power button. Ten minutes straight, and she hadn't even said a single word. Wow!

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked.

She didn't reply.

"Pumpkin!" I called out.

"Mercedes!" I called out again.

"What? What is it, Caden?" she yelled.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked again.

"Ask yourself that!" she shot.

"Pumpkin - - pumpkin - " I called out, pinching her baby like skin. Soft, smooth and so dreamy.

"Can you stop it already, Caden? You made me mad!" she yelled and got my hands off, shrugging her shoulders and getting some hair over her shoulder.

"I said i'm sorry," I pleaded.

"No, you didn't. In fact, you never did. And, you never will," she shot.

"Okay, your nails look really good. As in, top notch. I love the neon. And the red. And everything. The foundation. Please! Talk- "

"Shut. up." she whispered.

"I just complimented you!" I argued.

"You just stated facts, honey. Those were facts," she snarled.

"Seriously? Honey? At least i'm someone's honey now," I smiled.

She didn't reply. God, why was she so fucking impossible?

"So, day two. On the bed. When you're with your partner on the bed - " The lady continued.

"This should be fun," I whispered with a chuckle.

She rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"Make him feel good. Make her feel special,"

"You hear, pumpkin? Make me feel good. But first, I already said i'm sorry so can you stop acting up already?"

"No I cannot stop acting up if you wouldn't make me stop acting up! So please can you stop already?" she yelled and returned her gaze to the lady.

"Oops! Seems like someone just received the monthly gift of God a bit earlier than expected. Whoof! Hard one there!" I kicked off with an aim to annoy her with that lame feministic attitude of hers.

"Hey! Don't you dare meddle with my body business and not every female problem is because of a " God given" gift. You are so annoying. I'm out of here."

"And now, the kiss," The lady announced.

"Pumpkin, wait. The kiss!" I called out but she just hissed and went on.

Grumpy much! It was just a joke.

"Are you two really married? As in husband and wife? As in- in a church?" A lady behind asked.

"Mind your business," I snapped.

"Seems more to me like beauty and the beast," she chuckled in mockery and angered me.

"They still fell in love," I argued.

"A man your age believing in fairytales?" What are you? Five?" she laughed.

"I'm a billionaire!" I bragged.

"Yeah! Definitely not a chick magnet. Mr. Billionaire for nothing," she hissed and I just left.

What a lady.

And Mercedes!

I was gonna have her soon. She just had to wait and see. The harder to get, the sweeter to have.

I was gonna get that cotton candy by my side, whether she liked it or not.

Author's Note.

Cotton candy...yum!


Thank you so much for reading this chapter. It means a lot to me.

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Well, that's all for now. Can't wait for the next chapter. See ya!


A Billion Dollar Mess(Completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang