Tusco seemed confused and worried.

"What do you get out of this? The deal?" I was curious. "You have Nixon, so what do you get?"

"Enchanted objects for the hunters to track black magic witches." He said without a stutter.

"Why the fuck would the elders give you that!?" I was astonished, the elders suppose to protect the witches, all of them white magic or black magic,

This is fucked up, why the fuck are the elders trying to kill the black magic witches,

Or maybe the death of black magic witches was the price they were willing to pay for one of us as a hostage. I don't fucking know at this point.

How long have they been working with the witch hunters, have they always been?

"Fresh start, I don't really give a fuck. I took an oath to protect the humans and if I have to start with killing the black magic witches I will. Now bring me my daughter!"

"Why the fuck would I do that!?"

"Because if you don't! I will torture Nixon to the brink of his death before I hand him over to the elders."

Nixon's still in his possession.

"He's a strong boy. He can take it, you won't kill him and that's all that matters because you're not a fuck coming near my girlfriend and she wouldn't want to be near you either." I was stern.

He was silent.

"I heard Kenzo just had a baby, and Tusco's in love...Blair is it?" He spoke as Blair's eyes grew wide and then Tusco stayed silent as he then held Blair to comfort her.

"Don't you dare fucking threaten my family! You might have Elder magic to back you up but I have Miles, imagine the army he'll create with the help of me and my black magic brothers, we'll kill all of you in the blink of an eye no Elder will be able to face our wrath. Give me back Nixon or you'll die!" I yelled.

What the fuck am I doing,

I shouldn't but I had to,

It's the only way. I had to think quick.

Tusco tried to catch his breath as he was in shock, he stared at me with big eyes indirectly asking me what the fuck was going on.

"Miles is dead!" He screamed over the speaker.

"No he isn't!" I yelled with power "I'll make you a deal, I will deliver Miles to you in exchange for Nixon." I thought of a plan while my mouth kept running.

Fuck I always be running my mouth like this but I'm confident in this plan.

Two birds with one stone. Get rid of Miles and keep the kingdom for myself...and get Nixon back, of course.

"Why have the creation when you can have the creator!? Take my offer or you will shortly be dealing with more than four of his abominations."

He was silent.

"Bring me Miles, and you can have Nixon." He admitted defeat.

"Deal." I nodded.
"Deal." He agreed and just before I had indicated that Blair hung up he had said something.

"And as for Rhyett..."

"There is no "as for Rhyett"! she's not apart of our deal if your daughter wants to speak to you she will, but if you attempt to take her from me without her wishes I won't hesitate to kill you. After your deal with the Elders, I have Nix and when they have Miles you and I are back to playing cat and mouse and this time I'd prefer to be the cat."

I nodded my head in Blair's direction and then she hung up before I heard Kenzo rush into the room behind me.

"How the fuck are you going to deliver Miles!?" He was astonished.

"The darkness is really getting to his fucking head!" Tusco chimed in as they we're both now frantic as fuck,

Having no faith in ya boy.

"Miles will never agree to be held hostage and killed, for the second time...to save Nixon!?" Kenzo was spitting facts but I had a plan,

They should really trust me and chill the fuck out,

Yeah I'm fucking loosing my marbles and getting drunk off power but I have a fucking plan.

"You're right! He'll never agree to that, but he will agree to helping us open the portal!" I tried to reason with them.

"He needs me for his evil plans." My future evil plans "he needs me and he'll help me because he doesn't have a fucking choice."

I shrugged my shoulders.

"I'll summon him and convince him that our magic isn't strong enough to locate Nixon, therefore we need him. We'll open the portal and pull him in...We will close the portal leaving us all trapped wherever the fuck they're holding Nixon, I'll create a barrier spell so our father can't transport himself out, it won't hold any of us long, but long enough for them to take him." I nodded.

"And then I will mind communicate with all of you to focus our energy and open the portal so we can bring Nixon home, and if by chance our father escapes and tries to jump into the portal with us he'll burn to his death within 30 seconds because the portal will open in my house and my house is spelled to keep him out." I nodded and then both of them were silent, Kenzo stared off into the side as he thought for a month licking his lips as Tusco stared at me with narrowed eyes.

"What!?" I nudged my head at him "you still have daddy issues?" I raised a brow "For fuck sake I'm trading him in. If that piece of shit loved you he would have made contact with you. He doesn't deserve to know you Tusco, he-"

"Trade him in." He cut me off with a serious look on his face "We should have never brought him back. You're right he doesn't deserve to know me and that's his loss." He didn't show weakness in his tone "I'm going to check on Talia and tell her the plan, summon our father I just want this shit over with." He looked frustrated.

"Blair baby, you okay? You want me to make you more tea?" He turned to her with concern and then she nodded softly "We have a lot to discuss Tus, but we'll do so when this is all done with." She was confident in her words as he nodded taking her hand leading her out of my bedroom and down the staircase,

But before I let Tusco leave the room I had to confirm his compliance.

"So you down for the plan?" He brushed past me "yeah, I'm in." He stepped through the doorframe holding Blair's hand.

"So I got one brother down and of course I got Talia's vote...so what's it going to be Kenz?"

I smirked at him as I watched him try to weight out his options but he knew we didn't have any.

"Fine," He nodded "summon him." He looked at me with a little concern.

"No killing humans Maverick, okay?" He said "I already have one brother who does dumb shit and is now a hostage. Make my life a little easier, just keep fighting whatever is fighting you inside. We'll figure something out, but until then let Nix be the only one I need to worry about for now, for my sanity

and more importantly, for yours." Him and I aren't the closest because of our age gap but I think he was the closest thing I had to a father,

Sure I was stronger than him and I could kill him in a second but in some fucked up way he's the closest thing I have to a dad.

Vinnie is lucky to have Kenzo.

"I'll try." I said.

"Now summon Miles. Nix needs us, even though we'd probably be better off without him." He smiled and laughed a little under his breath as I smirked at his lighthearted joke before leaving the room to notice his wife who greeted him with loving and comforting arms after she had just gotten dressed after showering.

I want what he has, a family, a stable one, one mom and one dad who are in love, in one house with a great kid raised by great parents.

I hope I can be half the father Kenzo is,

I have to be.

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