A Coward In Love (Sakata Gintoki)

Start from the beginning

But to (Y/N) the ultimate dense princess, she couldn't see that Gintoki had special feelings for her. "Why not? I'll pay you." She stated plainly as she tilted her head to the side.

"Just one date, Gintoki. Please...." She slightly tipped her head down, her hair framing her face around so Gintoki couldn't see the kind of face she was making. But, just from the sound of her voice, he could tell she was sad.

".....Fine." Gintoki huffed lightly while she lowly smiled.


The next day, as Gintoki agreed they went on a date. He took her to all kinds of places, and as much as he would not want to admit it- he was having fun. With her, Gintoki felt like he was the happiest man alive.

"Oh, Takoyaki!!! Gin, come on!!" (Y/N) excitedly spotted a Takoyaki stand and had unknowingly grabbed Gintoki's hand to pull him along with her.

Gintoki could only look at the look of pure excitement on her face while she dragged him. The feeling of her skin against his skin, her warmth flowing through his own. Her small hand which fit so perfectly in his large hand.

Those (E/C) orbs filled with nothing but purity, excitement and....love. That sweet smile fixed on her beautiful soft red lips. She was beautiful in every single way and Gintoki would admit over a thousand times that there would be no way he wouldn't fall for her.

He would choose to fall in love with her each and every day.

"Oww, that's hot!! Ah, but it's really good!" (Y/N) hisses as she lightly fanned her mouth which contained the steaming hot takoyaki which was freshly cooked. "Here, try it!!" She lifted one piece of the takoyaki and held it out to him.

"Say ahh!!" (Y/N) smiled softly at him, her eyes holding nothing but love and affection. Blushing lightly, Gintoki opened his mouth to receive the food.

"See? Isn't it delicious?" She beamed again, and Gintoki nodded. "Y-Yeah.." He looked down, now feeling his heart beat loudly against his chest.

He was so in love with her.

"Oh, look!!" She pulled him again, this time to watch over the setting sun. "Nothing beats the sun setting over the ocean. This is the most beautiful view there is." She spoke slowly, as she sighed deeply. "No, this is the most beautiful view." Gintoki interjects, his red eyes only looking at her.

"There is something else-...Something much more beautiful than this." Gintoki couldn't fight off the smile that was tugging on his lips. "Really? What is it?" She asked turning to him.

Gintoki quickly looked away before she could catch him staring at her. "Y-You can't see it... Only I can," He crossed his arms over his chest and turned to look at her.

But she was already staring at him. Her eyes locked into his red ones and they were both drawing closer and closer to each other. (Y/N)'s eyes fluttered close as Gintoki raised her chin with his hand.

Their lips softly crashed against each others.

When they broke away from the kiss, their eyes met and they both blushed and looked away. "B-By the way for this date. I don't need your money." Gintoki spoke quickly as (Y/N)'s eyebrows furrowed, 'Didn't he do that to get money?' She questioned herself.

"I did it because I like you, alright? Man, you're a pretty dense woman. I love you, got that?" Gintoki awkwardly scratched the back of his neck and looked away.

At his words, (Y/N)'s heart dropped. 'No, no, no, no. T-This can't be, I-I'm not- this isn't- this wasn't supposed to happen!' (Y/N) felt tears spring up to her eyes at his sudden confession and she turned away from Gintoki and ran away before he could stop her.

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