Lets get out of here

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Black. Pitch black. I could feel fear rising from my toes to my head, panic soaked my muscles and my stomach flipped and left myself feeling sick.
After the ground consumed us we were all left defenceless against the unknown darkness..where were we?

I picked myself off of the ground wherever I was, i heard shuffled footsteps and a few murmurs from the boys around me.
I straitened myself and a few whimpers left my lips as I felt pain shoot through me.
"Everyone alright" I heard thomas speak
I jumped at the sudden words as I couldn't see the faces of anyone.
There was pause and the air fell silent
"Fine" minho replied
"Is there a light anywhere" newt spoke
"I can't see"a glader spoke not sure who

"You don't say" minho replied in sass with a hint of anger
"Minho" thomas warned
I ignored the boys bickering and moved my hands in the air to try and find an object or something...anything.

I could feel a cold slime smothered over a wall and I could feel there was a low curved ceiling, my first thought was tunnel and it definitely felt like it.

I interrupted the boys small conversation between them "hey guys I think we're in a tunnel" I spoke
Everyone went silent for a second and I could feel the heads looking in my direction
"Makes sense" thomas spoke
"How does any of this make sense to you" minho questioned
Thomas just ignored him

Then suddenly someone broke the silence with a painful gasp.
"What was that for" the person exclaimed that's when I realised it was newt
"What are you doing you idiot" I heard Minho reply
I stood still trying to listen to the conversation
"Oh for god sake Minho" newt spoke in  annoyance
Minhos temper cooled when he spoke again "Lara you better watch this one" minho spoke I could tell he was smiling when he said it
"What you on about" I questioned
"Newt touched my butt" minho laughed
I could feel the embarrassment in the air
"It was an accident" newt defended
"Guys shut it,what's that" thomas interrupted.

We all tried to move are heads in the direction of where thomas was speaking, thats when we saw a small white light soaking into the tunnel.

The light travelled up the tunnel and blinded us once it reached our eyes, instant memories of arriving in the box flooded my brain..how I wish everything could go back to the way it was when everything was okay.

We froze in our tracks and didn't dare to move. Worries filled my head..what if it was more grievers...what if it's the creators...
I noticed movement next to me and I gazed over to see a slim figure move towards me I could just about make out the face...newt
He placed a hand on my shoulder
"Are you ok" he spoke softly
I nodded and he moved some strands of hair out of my face.

People started to move closer towards the light with curiosity covering their faces. Of course thomas was the first one to step towards the end of the tunnel "guys come on" Thomas gestured his hand forward for us to follow him

Newt took my hand and we hesitated forwards.
We stepped out of the darkness to be greeted with another tunnel this one was either a tunnel going left or right.
We all turned our heads each left and right to get a look to see what was in the tunnel but it was hopeless the tunnels were black with darkness.

I jumped out my skin when lights flicked on all the way down the tunnel making a bang as they turned on.
Are heads followed the trail of lights and a path of them leaded us down the tunnel.
Thomas didn't hesitate to follow the lights and with no option we followed him.
We walked cautious and slow, the light started to fade now and we reached a door on the left hand side of the tunnel that had a lit up sign above it reading exit in green

"Really" fry spoke
How anticlimactic I thought...why not have one of these doors in the maze, it would have made our lives easier and then maybe some people would have had a shot at living I thought
Rage now filled my body once I see them creators I'll give them a piece of my mind I thought

♡My love♡ (Newt x reader) The Maze Runner Where stories live. Discover now