I may have a plan

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Thomas was given the serum and he was recovering quickly thank god. We each took turns at keeping watch while the others could get some sleep but no one could the nightmare replayed on repeat in our minds...we were all wide awake.

Once dawn set in everyone was lost there was no glade,well half of it was destroyed, no crops, no food and half of the gladers were dead.
Gally had everyone convinced it was the newbies fault..including me I triggered it..I made everything change for the worse.
I didn't know what I did to deserve this...what these guys did to deserve this but all i knew was none of us deserves to be here.
Newt, minho and chuck were on our side (Thomas, me and Teresa) they didn't dare to think their best friends would cause any of this.

A meeting was held by Gally he wanted peoples opinion on what should happen to us...I knew what Gally was hinting at he wanted us gone.
Most of the gladers that were left voted that we should stay in the slammer till they knew what to do.
No doubt about it Newt kicked up a whole argument about us going into the slammer mainly trying to stop me going in the slammer but he couldn't do anything if everyone voted against him.
Sometimes I really want to clip him around the ear and get him to stand his ground more...he was second in command and i guess now alby was taken newt should be in charge, he needed to show those gladers they couldn't trample over him.

But of course we ended up in the slammer with thomas unconscious with me and Teresa.
We sat in silence I didnt fancy making conversation my thoughts were taken over my brain. So I know WICKED is the company that put us here, they created grievers and the maze, Thomas and Teresa worked for WICKED but how did they end up in the maze I thought, there was still loads if questions to be answered...but there might be a way out
I saw chuck, minho and newt approach "hey" I spoke tried
"How ya holding" newt spoke grabbing my hand through the bars
"Ok...thomas still hasn't woke up" I looked over at him and right on time he took in a large breath

Thomas gasped for breath and quickly raised off of the ground.
Minho smirked "what a coincidence, got a remote that controls him" he laughed
"I wish, he needs a bloody mute button" I spoke
"I hear you've been around newt a lot" minho laughed
"What" I questioned
"You're starting to pick up on his language of words that you can't understand" minho laughed
Oh I was starting to talk like newt
"Oh shut it...how you feeling tommy" newt looked over at thomas

"I..I'm fine" he stuttered, he looked at his lap
We furrowed our eyebrows we knew he was lying
"What did you see" I questioned
He was silent
Everyone was silent
"This...its a test" he spoke
Newt and minhos body was itching for information
"What do you mean" minho questioned
"They're testing us..I watched you guys for years" he looked up at newt
"I worked for WICKED so did teresa" he looked over at her
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner" he apologised
"No that can't be" teresa spoke tears threatened to spill
"Teresa we did this to them... I did this to my friends and my sister" he looked at me
"I'm so sorry lara" he looked more than depressed
"We been through this thomas I forgive you you didn't have a choice" I looked him dead in the eyes
"What you knew they worked for WICKED" minho questioned

I nodded
"Why didn't you tell us...we could have thought of something sooner" minho raised his voice
"Minho" newt warned
"Like what, knowing thomas and Teresa worked for WICKED isn't going to give you a ticket out if here..we all know if the others found out they would want to banish them" I snapped back
I hated fighting with my friends this maze really was starting to bring out the worst side of us

Minho sighed and placed himself on the grass
"She's right, it doesn't matter but what does matter is what we do now because we're in this together" newt looked at all of us in the eyes...me last his eyes locked with mine and I would do anything to just spend a night looking at the stars in his arms.
"But if I didn't go back out in the maze alby might have still been alive" Thomas spoke his voice soaked with sadness
Everyone was silent and no one made eye contact
"Maybe...but if he was here i know he would be telling you the same thing...pick your ass up and finish what you started" newt spoke
"Because if we do nothing alby would have died for nothing and I can't have that" newt spoke confidently with a touch of sadness in his voice

Thomas lowered his head again and it was silent for a few more seconds
"But we have to get past gally" he finally spoke
I looked over at thomas then newt I could tell they were deep in thought.
I then saw Minho smirking
"I may have a plan" he spoke

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